Friday, January 4, 2013

7 Month Pictures

We took the boys to Penny's for their 7 month pictures. It was the worst experience EVER! We were probably 15 minutes late or more getting started. Then the lady seemed like she had no idea what she was doing. I told her in the beginning that we wanted family pictures, pictures of the boys together and individuals on both backgrounds that we picked. She took one family picture and was going on to the next background. She wasn't posing us at all and she was waiting for the boys to smile before she would take a picture. She missed a bunch of good pictures because she wanted them to be smiling...they don't have to be smiling to be cute! The first time we went to JCP we had an awesome experience. The girl did so many different poses and took her time. This lady was rushing big time and the place was full of people. We didn't even get to stay and look at our pictures because it was going to take too long and the boys were getting hungry. The people that took pictures before us were still there waiting to look at their pictures. So when I went in several days later to look at them the girl was there that did our pictures the first time and she scheduled us for a re shoot with her. So anyway....all that to say that these are our pictures. :)

Jackson was as frustrated as we were

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