Monday, March 26, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: March 26, 2012

We had a great check-up with Dr. Evitt today. The boys looked great on the ultrasound. They are estimating that Jacob weighs 4.7 pounds and Jackson weighs 4.13 pounds. They both gained over a pound in about 12 days. The ultrasound tech said they could both be over 5 pounds but they are so cramped in there that it is hard for her to get measurements. As long as they are that big or bigger right now I feel really good. Dr. Evitt was extremely happy with progress and that we didn't have the babies while she was gone last week. No one was happier about that than me though. :) She said she would be extremely happy with one more week. She said she didn't think we would make it to 37 weeks but it is a possibility. She mentioned the possibility of my water breaking. I told her that I am feeling major pressure since they are both head down. She still has not officially put us on the schedule so I think we are just taking it one appointment at a time. I am so excited that they have made some good growing progress. That made me feel so much better. Still just praying for God's perfect timing. We are so excited to see our boys!!!!

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