Friday, March 16, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: March 14, 2012

This past Wednesday Justin and I went to the doctor for our second ultrasound of the week. They did a growth ultrasound this time. Jacob weighs 3.5 pounds and Jackson weighs 3.11 pounds. They both gained 5 ounces. It seems very small to me still but we have been used to seeing growth every two weeks and this time it was only 9 days. Also, the ultrasound tech said that it is getting harder and harder to get their measurements so if we had delivered that night she said they could both be over 4 pounds. No good pictures this time either. They looked so crammed in there. My poor little guys. I feel bad because I do have somewhat of a small tummy for twins so they are probably super crammed. Jacob had his leg on top of Jackson's head. It reminded me of how their daddy sleeps. He always has to have a leg pillow. :) They said everything is still looking great. We will see them again on Monday.

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