Friday, March 30, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: March 29, 2012

We went to the doctor yesterday for our second check-up of the week. The boys were still doing great. Yesterday was just an ultrasound day to check their heartbeats and movement and the fluid. Everything was absolutely perfect and they were definitely moving. Jacob (my little acrobat...there is no telling what this kid is going to be like ha ha ha) has flipped again and is now breach. Which is not a problem because we are having a c-section anyway. It is just crazy to me that he still has room to move like he does. I told Lorri (the ultrasound tech) that I have been feeling Jackson move more. She said it looks like he has a little more room to move whereas before Jacob was kind of hogging the womb. She also said one of the reasons I may not have felt him as much as Jacob is because Jacob is right at the surface next to my skin but Jackson has placenta between him and my skin. So I guess as they are getting bigger I am able to feel them more because this last week I have felt them both like crazy. (even as I write this they are both moving which is a little breath taking...ha ha). So everything was perfect. We were not scheduled to see Dr. Evitt yesterday but ran into her in the hall. I asked her if she needed to see us and she said she didn't as long as the ultrasound looked good. We told her it did. She said I looked great and she would see us on Monday. Monday will be the first day of the 36th week! What an amazing God we serve. He has taken such good care of us and heard our cries unto Him for a full term, healthy pregnancy. Many twins are delivered much sooner than where we are at right now and here I am still able to carry them. Just makes me stand in awe of who my God is and that He chose me for this journey. Thank you Lord!!!!

We were able to finally get a small glimpse of Jackson yesterday. He still is kind of facing my back with his body but yesterday his head was turned to the side so we were able to see a little bit of his sweet face for the first time. We also got another good picture of Jacob. I am thinking they are going to look pretty different. I know it is hard to tell from these pictures but their noses look like they each take from their mom and dad. Jacob looks like he has my nose and Jackson looks like he has Justin's. I am so anxious to see their little faces in person, their little feet with ten toes, their precious hands with ten fingers. Here are the pictures...



Monday, March 26, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: March 26, 2012

We had a great check-up with Dr. Evitt today. The boys looked great on the ultrasound. They are estimating that Jacob weighs 4.7 pounds and Jackson weighs 4.13 pounds. They both gained over a pound in about 12 days. The ultrasound tech said they could both be over 5 pounds but they are so cramped in there that it is hard for her to get measurements. As long as they are that big or bigger right now I feel really good. Dr. Evitt was extremely happy with progress and that we didn't have the babies while she was gone last week. No one was happier about that than me though. :) She said she would be extremely happy with one more week. She said she didn't think we would make it to 37 weeks but it is a possibility. She mentioned the possibility of my water breaking. I told her that I am feeling major pressure since they are both head down. She still has not officially put us on the schedule so I think we are just taking it one appointment at a time. I am so excited that they have made some good growing progress. That made me feel so much better. Still just praying for God's perfect timing. We are so excited to see our boys!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

35 Week Update

We made it through week 34 with Dr. Evitt out of town!!!!!! I also made it through another week of bed rest without losing my mind. Three weeks of bed rest down and three more to go. :) I had one extra outing this week other than the usual doctor's appointments and trip to Mom and Dad's for lunch. Thursday night Justin had to go to Nashville to spend the night because he had an early meeting on Friday morning. After much discussion I convinced him that it was ok to leave me and spend the night away from home. So he packed me up and took me to stay with Amy for the night. She took extremely good care of me, I had company all day Friday and some different scenery. This week was pretty uneventful. We go to the doctor tomorrow and will see Dr. Evitt. I am anxious to see what she has to say. After this coming week I will feel good about them coming at any time as far as being healthy enough but if they want to stay in until 37 weeks I am ok with that too. I may end up in the bed for the last two weeks or so but I will make it. I am starting to get a little more sore and uncomfortable. It isn't terrible but by the end of the day it is hard to find a spot to be in and be comfortable. If I am sitting straight up they are pushing up and down so I can't breathe too well and there is a lot of pressure. If I am in a reclined position for too long I start to feel a little light headed. The doctor has said that is because they are laying on blood vessels and cutting them off. So laying down is usually the most comfortable. I am ok with that. :) Enough about me...what about the boys this week?

Week 35:
At about 20 inches and five and a half pounds (but with about five more weeks to grow), most of your baby's growth over the next month or so before you meet will be in weight (with a gain of anywhere from one pound to several ), not height (baby's pretty much reached the in utero limit in that department). Accordingly, fat continues to accumulate at a rapid pace these days (on baby, not just on your hips). Back in the middle of your pregnancy, your baby's weight was made up of only two perfect fat; now that percentage has soared to closer to 15 percent (and will increase to 30 percent at term). Which means your baby's once skinny arms and legs are now quite plump...and irresistibly, squeezably soft.

Also, continuing to grow at an amazing pave is your baby's brain power. Luckily, the part that surrounds that amazing brain - the skull - remains soft. And for good reason: A soft skull will allow your baby to squeeze more easily through the birth canal.

34 Week Belly Picture

Ok this week I figured out how to hold my dress so you can really see my tummy. It is sticking out there. :) It's starting to get a little heavy too. :) Here we are at the end of week 34 with just three more to go.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: March 22, 2012

We had another ultrasound today. Everything looks great. We actually got some good pictures today of Jacob. Jackson is still hiding for the most part. They are curled around one another so we got a profile picture of Jackson but no such luck with the 3D. Jacob was posing for his 3D picture today though. :) We will go back to the doctor on Monday and will get to see Dr. Evitt again and will get growth measurements on the boys. It will be a major relief to get through this week and know that Dr. Evitt will be back now until the boys come. Week 34 is almost gone...Amazing!!!!! 3 more weeks!

Here they are head to head.


Jacob. How cute is that little foot?!

Jacob. Look at those little chubby cheeks! So sweet!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: March 19, 2012

We went to the doctor today for one of our weekly check-ups. The boys are doing great. We had an ultrasound to check the boys' heart rates and movement and the fluid. We didn't get any measurements today and probably won't get measurements again until next Monday. They like to wait a while between measurements...not sure why but they are the professionals. It's probably better for me anyway because I am starting to obsess over their weight just a little. I think they are so crammed in there that they are not going to be getting accurate measurements and I want accuracy!!! Oh well. :) Everything for today's ultrasound checked out great. The funny thing is that Jacob has flipped again. He has been head up for the last couple weeks and I thought that was how he was going to stay because they are running out of room. However, he found room to move so they are both head down now. We also saw that Jackson has a lot of hair. That will be interesting to see. We still can't see faces. Jackson is face down and Jacob is kind of on his side. They just don't want to smile for the camera I guess. We met with a new doctor to the practice today because Dr. Evitt is on vacation this week. She was very nice and just wanted to make sure we didn't have any questions or issues to bring up. It was short and sweet. We will go back on Thursday for another ultrasound. Rest, rest, rest!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

34 Week Update

Week 34!!!!!!! Yay!!!! It is getting so close to us getting to meet our boys. Tomorrow we start week 34. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that we have come this far and have been fairly uneventful. No problems whatsoever!!! Thank you Jesus!!!! I will also be going into my third week of bedrest tomorrow. It hasn't been too bad. I am fairly jealous when Justin goes places (like the grocery store) and I don't get to. Saturday he went out to run some errands and when he got home I made him tell me all about each and every place he went. I am living vicariously through him. :) Other than a little jealousy I think I am handling it pretty well. Thursday night was hard knowing that praise team practice was going on and then driving by the church on our way home from the hospital made me sad. Then having to miss church this morning was very hard. I know I am doing what I need to be doing and it is just a short season. I get worn out pretty fast if I am up too much and my stomach gets extremely tight almost immediately when I stand up. So it isn't too hard for me to just want to rest. I was having trouble sitting up so I spent a couple days in bed pretty much all day. Today sitting up has been a lot better. We go to the doctor tomorrow and Thursday for our check up so I will keep you updated. Enough about me....Let's see what the boys should be up to this week.

Ok one more finger nails are freakishly long. Justin asked me on Thursday if they were my real nails. I am loving it!!!

Ok the boys....

Week 34:
Your baby could be as tall as 20 inches right now and about five pounds. Need a visual? Hold a five-pound bag of flour in your arms and imagine it's your soon-to-be-born baby (cradle it, and you'll only get strange looks in the baking aisle). Then stack three such bags ones on top of the other (and get ready for some more strange looks, maybe from the same clerks who saw you grinning and holding that one-pound box of sugar a few weeks ago). That's how tall your baby is this week. Now go bake some oatmeal raisin cookies with all that flour!)

Your baby's fingernails now reach the end of the fingertips and may even curl over the tip, making a manicure one of the first things you'll need to do for your little bundle.

33 Week Belly Picture

Ok I am beginning to think these pictures are taking away from my belly. I didn't want to take the picture wearing black because I figured it wouldn't show much but Justin and Mother convinced me that it would show up next to the light wall. I am telling you I have grown in the last couple days....I promise!!!! :) Well here is the picture...

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Day Yesterday

The last couple of days I have noticed I was having trouble breathing and felt like my heart was racing. When I went to the doctor on Wednesday I had a hot flash/dizzy spell. The ultrasound tech said it is from me laying down on my back and the babies cutting off my blood vessels. It causes you to get hot and feel really funny. Well Wednesday I never felt like I fully recovered from that spell. I stayed in bed most of the day. Then yesterday morning while in the recliner I was still feeling a little weird so I decided to call the doctor's office and just let them know in case it could be related to something they would need to address. It felt like anxiety but unless it was something subconscious I wasn't worried about anything. I realize I have two babies coming but God has given me such peace throughout this entire pregnancy that I knew it wasn't just anxiety. Dr. Evitt's nurse called back fairly quick and said Dr. Evitt wanted me to go to labor and delivery at the hospital and let them monitor me for a while. I told them it would be a little while before I could get there because I knew Justin would want to take me and he was in Morristown. Also, a sweet friend was bringing me lunch in just a few minutes so I figured I would go ahead and eat.

My friend came to the house and dropped off my lunch and of course as soon as I told her I was going to the hospital she had a freak out and insisted on staying with me until Justin got home even though she was supposed to be going back to work. I tried to talk her out of it but she doesn't listen very well. :) I sat down and started to eat my lunch and hadn't taken one bite when Justin walked in the door....a nervous wreck. He said "how about we make that sandwich to go". I said "how about you get my suitcase and everything in the van and then we can go." I was a little nervous about going to the hospital but when he got there and was so nervous it made me laugh and calmed me down a bit. LOL So on the way to the hospital Justin proceeds to tell me that he passed a cop that was also driving on the interstate going 90 with his flashers on and the cop never even moved to come after him. I said how long did it take you to get home. 25 minutes he tells me. How long should it take to get to our house from Morristown? I am pretty sure he told me at least an hour and maybe should be longer. I said oh that is really great these boys do need a father. To which Justin reminded me that he is a stunt driver. That is always the end of that conversation when we hit the stunt driver point. :) Crazy man that I love!

We got to the hospital around 1:45 and they hooked me up to monitors to monitor the boys' heart rates, my contractions, my blood pressure and oxygen levels. They listened to my lungs and heart. They said my lungs were clear but that my heart was definitely beating fast. Which is obviously what I was feeling. She said with two babies there is a lot more blood pumping and that was probably why my heart was racing. They monitored me for a while and then decided to take blood work and put an IV in me. Well two nurses and five holes later they got an IV in me. Around 4 my doctor came to check on me. She said the boys and I were both looking good but she was going to do a test that would tell her if the boys would be coming in the next two weeks or not. Who know anything like this existed. She said if it was negative then they were most likely not coming for at least two weeks which is what we wanted to see. If it was positive then there was a chance they could come within two weeks. She did say the negative was very accurate but a positive could result in a false positive. Regardless if it was positive they would be more aggressive with how they treated me. The test came back negative so they released me to come home. Basically just having trouble breathing and racing heart because of the boys. I figured that was all normal with them just pushing up on everything but I wanted to be sure there wasn't anything else going on and obviously so did Dr. Evitt.

So if their test is accurate we will not have babies for at least two more weeks which is great. They need some more time to grow and develop so they will be completely healthy when they get here and will get to be with us immediately and meet all their friends and family. We have been waiting a long time and don't want to have to send them off to Children's Hospital. Healthy babies in Jesus name!!!!

So I will just be taking it super easy (especially because Dr. Evitt is out of town all next week and don't want anything happening without her) from here on out. It is just a matter of finding a comfortable position. Reclining in the chair isn't that great because that is when the hot flashes hit. If I am sitting straight up and down they are pushing up into everything so laying down in bed is the most comfortable. I can sit at a slight angel for a while. So I will just be playing musical chairs. :) I am so thankful for a good report yesterday. God has His hand on us. Thankful for a few more weeks for these boys to grow. It is all about them!

Doctor's Appointment: March 14, 2012

This past Wednesday Justin and I went to the doctor for our second ultrasound of the week. They did a growth ultrasound this time. Jacob weighs 3.5 pounds and Jackson weighs 3.11 pounds. They both gained 5 ounces. It seems very small to me still but we have been used to seeing growth every two weeks and this time it was only 9 days. Also, the ultrasound tech said that it is getting harder and harder to get their measurements so if we had delivered that night she said they could both be over 4 pounds. No good pictures this time either. They looked so crammed in there. My poor little guys. I feel bad because I do have somewhat of a small tummy for twins so they are probably super crammed. Jacob had his leg on top of Jackson's head. It reminded me of how their daddy sleeps. He always has to have a leg pillow. :) They said everything is still looking great. We will see them again on Monday.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: March 12, 2012

Justin and I went back to the doctor this morning for our, now, weekly ultrasound and chat with Dr. Evitt. They did not take any measurements of the boys today. The ultrasound tech wanted to wait until Wednesday. We are used to seeing two weeks of growth so she wanted to wait a few more days since it has only been one week since the last growth measurements were taken. She just measured the fluid and the boys' heart rates. Dr. Evitt said everything was perfect. We didn't talk to her much today. I wasn't feeling good while we were there this morning. I had a few hot flashes while we were there so I was ready to get out. I did ask Dr. Evitt about a couple things.

The first was if she was going to be putting us on the hospital schedule for a c-section. She looked at her calendar for when I would be 37 weeks and said that April 16th would be the last possible day I would be pregnant but that she would not be putting us on the schedule. She thinks the likelihood of us making it to 37 weeks is very slim. So Justin asked her at what point would the boys be most likely to be able to come home with us. She said 35 weeks and possibly even 34 weeks. Dr. Evitt and the ultrasound tech both mentioned today that twins actually develop faster than a single birth so they are more likely to be completely developed sooner. So we could have babies in just a couple more weeks. I still do not want her to just take them because she thinks we made it far enough if we aren't having problems. If they are doing ok I want to go all the way just to make sure that they will be completely fine when they come out. We will see what the next few weeks bring. Today is the first day of the 33rd week. Absolutely amazing!

The second thing we talked about what the fact that Dr. Evitt will be on vacation next week. I told her that I have had a long talk with the boys to let them know they are not allowed to come next week without Dr. Evitt. :) Dr. Evitt wanted to make sure that a doctor sees me next week so I will be seeing a doctor that has only been with the practice for a few months and that I have never met (Dr. Buckingham). I told Dr. Evitt that I do not want Dr. Buckingham making any major decisions next week without Dr. Evitt. Dr. Evitt said that she would talk to Dr. Buckingham and make sure she knows to check with Dr. Evitt before making decisions. I trust that Dr. Evitt chose Dr. Buckingham to be a part of her practice but I don't know her and how she works. I know Dr. Evitt and trust her with every single decision so I wanted to make sure she would be involved if there are any issues that present themselves next week. I do not anticipate anything happening but wanted to make sure we were all on the same page. I think we are all set. :) After next week Dr. Evitt will be in town and available at all times which makes me feel much better. She said didn't want to miss this boys being born either. :)

We will go back to the doctor on Wednesday morning for the growth ultrasound. Still trucking along! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

33 Week Update

Last Monday Dr. Evitt put me on official bed rest. I was in a little shock but we have dealt well with it. I have been in the bed, recliner or in my rocking chair all week (except for Amy's recliner one day and mom and dad's today). Justin has been taking great care of me. It has been a good week. Monday I was at the doctor and came straight home to the recliner. Tuesday my mother-in-law came over and cleaned the house and spent the day with me. Wednesday Tonya and Addison brought me a wonderful lunch and spent some time with me. Then Wednesday afternoon Mother, Dad, Amy, Trey and Taryn came over and Mother made us a pot of chili to eat on for the week. Dad brought me some beautiful flowers for me to enjoy. Thursday I got to go to the doctor. We just had an ultrasound. She checked the fluid and heart rate of the boys but didn't take measurements. She said the boys were perfect. Friday I went over to Amy's and sat in her recliner for a change of scenery. It was nice to watch the kids play for a bit. Saturday I got to spend at home with Justin. He was quite the chef all day. He made me French Toast for breakfast and California BLTs for dinner. Both meals were absolutely amazing. Then today we went to Mom and Dad's for lunch. It was nice to get out of our house for a bit.

Another week down and 5 more to go. I think I am starting to have some slight, Braxton Hicks contractions. We talked to Dr. Evitt about it on Thursday when we went to see her. She said it was fine unless I was having 6 or 7 in an hour. It scares me a bit because I am not sure what I am feeling and what I am supposed to be feeling. Right now my stomach just gets super tight and just a little uncomfortable. It is probably a good thing Dr. Evitt put me on rest because every time I stand up my entire stomach gets super tight almost immediately. It happens some while I am resting too though. I am just praying that if I need to take any action such as going to the hospital that I will absolutely know it. I don't want to miss anything that could need attention but I also don't want to run to the hospital once a week. :) We go back to the doctor tomorrow for a growth update ultrasound and to see Dr. Evitt again. I will let you know what we find out. Enough rambling for now...Here's what the boys should be up to this coming week...

Week 33:
This week your baby may be anywhere between 17 to 19 inches in length and weigh more than four and a half pounds. At this stage in development, your baby could grow a full inch more this week alone - especially if he or she has been on the shorter side. Weight gain can range from a third more growth to a full doubling before the big debut.

The level of amniotic fluid in your uterus has reached its maximum this week, making it likely that you have more baby than fluid now. That's one reason why you're probably feeling lots of nudges and pushes - there's less liquid to cushion the blows. (Of course that means you're even closer to your baby now!)

If your uterine walls had eyes, here's what you'd see: your baby acting more and more like a baby, with his or her eyes closing during sleep and opening while awake. And because those uterine walls are becoming thinner, more light penetrates the womb, helping your baby differentiate between day and night (now if only baby can remember that difference on the outside!).

And good news! Your baby has reached an important milestone about now: The development of his or her own immune system that (along with antibodies from you) will be able to provide protection from mild infections.

32 Week Belly Picture

Another week of growing. My doctor said this week as she did our ultrasound that my stomach was pretty small to have to big babies in there. This was the first time she has said anything about my tummy. So have I grown any this week?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: March 5, 2012

Justin and I got to go to the doctor today to see our boys again. They are doing great. Jackson weighs 3 pounds 6 ounces and Jacob weighs 3 pounds. Jackson has gained about 13 ounces and Jacob gained 12 ounces. I gained 2 pounds...almost all baby. Jacob has flipped back to the breech position. Last time he was head down. Jackson is still head down. We only got two pictures today but you can't see anything really so I am not going to post them. I am not even sure what she took a picture of. :) My blood pressure was great (120/70). I have, however, been officially put on bed rest. Dr. Evitt said she isn't concerned about anything right now but the more rest I get and energy I preserve the better off the boys are. It was quite a comical conversation though:

Dr Evitt: Have you been having any contractions?
Me: Just a few but not regularly.
Dr. Evitt: Ok that's just braxton hicks
Me: I have noticed my stomach gets tight all over when I am up walking around
Dr. Evitt: Um that is why you won't be walking around any more
Me: Does this mean I am done singing?
Dr. Evitt: This means you won't be going to church
Me: Ok well what about going to the store when I leave here and making chili tonight for dinner
Dr. Evitt: Petros has really good chili. Bed or couch only. No cooking! I have eyes everywhere and will know what you are doing.

So I tried but for the sake of my boys for the next 6 weeks you will only be able to find me in bed or on the couch. :) The boys have about a 12% discrepancy in their measurements right now and I think I mentioned last time that they get concerned if that gets to 20% and will have to take them. She said she is not concerned at this point but the reason she wants me to be completely resting is that every ounce of energy I preserve will go to the boys growing. The more energy they have to grow the better off they will be when they come. We still want them to wait until they are completely full term but need them to be as big as possible and fully developed. So if I have to stay in bed for the next 6 weeks to keep them out of the NICU that is exactly what I will do. I have been extremely fortunate to make it this long without bed rest because in the beginning Dr. Evitt thought this would happen a lot sooner. I actually had some high blood pressure in the beginning so she thought that would be an issue before now. My blood pressure was perfect today and I don't have any swelling. Everything has just been perfect and I am so thankful that God has had His hand upon me and our boys. I know that He will continue to take care of us.

We are now set up to go to the doctor twice a week now. We see Dr. Evitt once a week and have an ultrasound twice a week. So at least I will get to leave the house twice week. :) I will be milking those trips for all they are worth!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

32 Week Update

Week 31 is coming to an end and tomorrow we will be starting week 32. WOW!!!! I have been home the last two weeks on doctor's (and husband's) orders of more rest. I am thankful for the rest as it has been a little more difficult to rest at night. So it has been nice to be able to take a nap if needed during the day if I am up for a while at night. I have also been getting nauseous quite a bit which is weird. It is like I was in the beginning. It's not terrible all the time but sometimes it can hit really quick and not be very nice. Thankfully it doesn't last too long. Again I have really nothing to complain about. I have had such an amazing pregnancy. God has truly blessed me. Justin said last night that he thinks I was made to make babies (I am a little scared by that thought coming from him. What does he have in mind? I was just joking about beating the Duggars). I can't tell you how thankful I am to have been able to enjoy this process and season of my life. Don't get me wrong I have had a few bad days here recently but I think of the old song "I Won't Complain"...All of my good days outweigh my bad days so I won't complain. God has been good to me. Yes He's been so good to me... Sorry just had to burst into song there for a second. :) It's mind blowing to think that 6 weeks from right now I could be preparing for a C-Section the next day to meet my boys!!! They will be here very soon but still praying they will go full term so that we don't haven to be separated from them for any time and that they are fully developed and just ready to meet all of their family.

We will be going to the doctor tomorrow to check on them. I am hoping that Dr. Evitt will be ready to put us on the schedule for our C-section. Then I can start a countdown!!!! You all know how much this girl LOVES a countdown. :) I will update you after our doctor's appointment tomorrow. For now let's see what Jackson and Jacob should be up to during week 32.

Week 32:
This week your baby weighs almost four pounds and could be up to 19 inches long. And though that's a head-to-toe length, your baby is actually back to a curled-up position (you try standing up in those cramped quarters!). You're likely feeling tapping and squirming instead of your baby's signature rocking and rolling. That's because, while comfy, your baby is a bit tight for exercise space right now. Your baby has also probably settled into the head-down, bottoms-up position in your pelvis in preparation for birth. That's because baby's head fits better at the bottom of your inverted, pear-shaped uterus. It also makes it easier during childbirth if your baby comes out head first. Fewer than five percent of babies prefer the bottom-down (or breech) position by full-term. Don't worry if your baby hasn't assumed the head-down position yet. There's still a good chance he or she will flip head-side-down before birth - even in the tight confines of your uterus.

While your baby is still getting nourishment through the umbilical cord, it won't be long before you'll be bringing on the breast milk or formula (and soon after, the mashed carrots and peas). In anticipation of that momentous transition to mouth feeding, your baby's digestive system is all set and ready to go.

And because your baby is accumulating more fat, his or her skin is finally turning opaque (like yours), which means those see-through days are over. Though weeks away from D-day, your baby's looking more and more like a newborn.

And speaking of that big day, hope you're resting up for it - because your bambino certainly is. In preparation for that big first date with you, your baby is sleeping like a baby - with sleep cycles of 20 to 40 minutes long (which would also account for the decrease in movement you're likely feeling these days).

31 Week Belly Picture

Well not everyone agreed that I had grown any last week. I am thinking these pictures are not really showing my belly well. :) I am pretty sure I am growing. I know my hips are starting to ask for relief at night. I have to say sleeping on my side has probably been the hardest thing with this pregnancy. I have always been a stomach sleeper but as soon as I found out I was pregnant I stopped doing that. I am truly blessed that sleeping on my side has been the hardest thing. Woe is me...NOT!!!!!! I am getting so excited I can hardly stand it. Just a few more weeks to watch me grow! By the has been a lazy afternoon in the Schaffer household so yes I am in my jammies. :)