Monday, December 12, 2011

A Nursery in the Making

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The remodeling of the boy's room has begun!!! I cannot tell you how excited this makes me!!! I have the most amazing husband who is working so hard to make sure everything gets done for these two little boys of ours. We ordered all the furniture for their room the week before Thanksgiving and it should be here the first part of January. Justin said he would have the room ready to put the furniture in when it gets here. He is pulling up the carpet because that room is where Bailey has been since we have had her. It is time for her to move to the laundry room so the boys can have her room. Then we will paint and have new carpet laid. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

Daddy working hard pulling up the carpet to be replaced in the nursery! Thank you Babe!!!!

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