Monday, December 19, 2011

19 Week Ultrasound

Justin and I got to see our boys again last week. They did the full anatomy check on the boys and it was perfectly fine. The boys are growing perfectly and they checked out absolutely perfect. I had a stomach bug so we didn't talk much to Dr. Evitt but she said everything was ok. They made sure I wasn't dehydrated. She said the boys were perfectly fine so it was ok if I wasn't able to eat for a few days but to make sure I had plenty to drink. Thankfully whatever it was passed in 24 hours so I am back on the mend. We will go back for another visit and ultrasound in three weeks.

The picture on the left is a little foot. :) This is my favorite picture from this week. A little sweet is that!

This is Jackson. Laying face down just hanging out. :)

This is Jacob. Sweet little boy. :)

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