Monday, December 12, 2011

19 Week Belly Picture

Well I am pretty sure I am growing by the day. I had a day last week at work where I KNOW I grew from the morning to the afternoon. I walked by a mirror in the afternoon at work and thought, "Whoa when did that happen?". The girls at work always let me know when I have grown. Then when I get home (like tonight) and Justin says, "Babe, I think you have grown." then I really know I have a hit a growth spurt. I am pretty sure tonight's growth spurt happened in the 3 hours after work while I was out shopping. It is so funny to watch and feel.

I am pretty sure the boys had an active day today too. I am feeling more and more weirdness inside which Mother assures me is the boys moving. I am kind of new to this so I can't be sure. I told Justin today that I can't wait until we can feel them from the outside and know for sure it is them moving. It is so amazing!!!

19 Week Belly Picture in new top from Mother she gave me over the weekend.

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