Sunday, December 25, 2011

22 Week Update

It's hard to believe that another week is done. I knew that the holidays would make this go by really fast. I am ever so grateful to have had such an enjoyable pregnancy so far. What a wonderful blessing this has been. 21 weeks down and only 16 weeks to go to make it full term for twins. We can do this boys!!!!! Here is the update for week 22...

Week 22:
Guess what? Your baby has finally broken the one-pound mark. How heavy is that? Hold a one-pound box of sugar in your hand the next time you're in the grocery store (and expect people to ask you why you're grinning from ear to ear). Is the box eight inches long? That's about the length your baby is too!

This week, your sweetie is making more sense of the world as he or she develops the sense of touch. In fact, your little one's grip is quite developed by now - and since there's nothing else to grab in utero, he or she may sometimes hold on tight to that umbilical cord (don't worry - it's tough enough to handle it). The sense of sight is also getting more developed. Your baby can now perceive light and dark much better than before ( even with those fused eyelids). But remember - unless you're shining a flashlight over your belly (which you can do, by the way), it'll be mostly dark for your baby inside that cozy womb of yours.

Moving up from the eyes, the eyelashes and eyebrows are well formed now - and even more hair is sprouting atop that cute little head. You'd be quite surprised, though, if you could see your little one up close and in color. Hair at this stage of fetal development has no pigment, so it's bright white.

21 Week Belly Picture

Here is the belly picture for this week. I am growing but keep in mind that I had just had lots of turkey and homemade noodles when this picture was taken. And yes, I am in my pajamas but it is Christmas and I don't usually get out of PJ's on Christmas day. :) We have a family tradition that has been in our family since I was a very little girl. Everyone gets pajamas on Christmas Eve. That is the one present we open on Christmas Eve. So these are my Christmas pajamas for this year. :)

Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas with our family today. Yesterday we spent the morning and part of the afternoon with Memaw (Justin's Mom) and then we went to Grammy and Poppy's to spend the night. Aunt Amy, Uncle Travis and cousins Trey and Taryn all spent the night too. I guess since Trey has been a part of our family we have been spending Christmas Eve at Mom and Dad's so we can get up first thing on Christmas morning to open presents and then have a big lunch. That is exactly what we did today. Jackson and Jacob got lots of presents even though they haven't been born yet. It's hard to believe that this time next year we will have two little babies about 8 months old and last year they were just a dream.

Amy made Angel Biscuit for breakfast and we had a wonderful time opening presents. Trey was so cute opening his gifts. I can't to watch our boys. Then we had a big traditional lunch...fried turkey, ham, homemade noodles, sweet potatoes, dressing, cranberry salad, green beans, rolls and a fabulous Pumpkin Praline Cheesecake that Mom made. Then we came back home to exchange gifts with Justin's Mom and will just relax for the evening.

Here are gifts that the boys got today. Thank you to Grammy, Poppy, Aunt Amy, Uncle Travis, Trey and Taryn. (I will try to refrain from posting a picture of every item they ever receive but I can't make any promises).

These are from Aunt Amy. They say "Beary Handsome" on them. So cute!

The boys' first stuffed animals from Cousin Bonnie. They are SOOO soft.

Yes, this is for the boys! I asked for this for Christmas so that I can make homemade baby food for my boys. :) Thanks Mom and Dad.

I LOVE these!!!! If my husband's sports history is any indication, our boys will be playing lots of sports. Will I be able to find outfits like these when they are teenagers? :) Aunt Amy got them these too.

These are also from Aunt Amy. They are little booties for them to wear next Christmas.

These are from Grammy and Poppy. They say "Thank Heaven for Little Boys". Too cute!

These are also from Grammy and Poppy. I am going to have me two handsome little boys. Such cute outfits.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Nursery in the Making: Demolition, Paint and Chair Rail

Saturday morning breakfast, $8; Two cans of paint, $50; Chair Rail, $80; Miscellaneous Supplies, $40; Watching my husband and father of my children transform a normal room into a nursery for our two boys with such joy and enthusiasm.....PRICELESS!!!!

Last Saturday Justin and I got up, got some breakfast and headed to The Home Depot and Lowes. We picked out paint and the chair rail for Jackson and Jacob's room. We got back home and Justin got to work. He had already pulled up the carpet that was in there because our dog, Bailey, had been in there for the past three years and we decided it would be best to replace it. So we decided we wanted to hang a chair rail and paint the portion below the chair rail a chocolate brown and the portion above the chair rail a baby boy blue.

Pulling up the carpet

Trimming out the first color.


Painting the brown on the bottom

The brown is done!

Another view of the brown done.

The Baby Boy Blue going on

Look at the happy Daddy painting. :)

All the painting is done!

While the paint was drying on the walls. Justin painted the chair rail.

Justin cutting the chair rail

It's all done!

Bailey had to check everything out.

Poor Bailey was pouting outside of the room that has been taken away from her. She has been moved to the laundry room. You would think we were abusing here. She just stayed there for a while. She will adjust though.

Monday, December 19, 2011

21 Week Update

I can't believe we are over half way there. Justin and I were talking the other night about how fast the next few months are going to go. Justin has been working on the nursery and we will have all of the furniture in early January. We have a shower coming up in less than a month with my office and then another shower a few weeks after that. Then we will be able to set everything up and just wait for them to come. Our two little bundles of joy will be here soon and we can't wait. It is so exciting!!!! Here is the update for week 21...

Week 21:
At about seven inches in length and almost 11 ounces in weight, your baby is about the size of a large banana.

Your baby swallows at least several ounces of amniotic fluid each day - not only for hydration and nutrition, but also to practice swallowing and digesting - skills your baby will need as soon as he or she arrives in your arms. And keep this in mind: The taste of the amniotic fluid differs from day to day depending on what you've eaten (spicy enchilada one day, sweet carrots another). And that smorgasbord of tastes won't be lost on your baby. That's because your little one has very developed taste buds already. In fact, researchers have noted that babies who were exposed to certain taste in utero via amniotic fluid were more eager to eat foods with that same taste after birth. Want your baby to eat his or her broccoli later? Eat yours now!

Your developing baby still has a great deal of room in your womb - though like anyone who lives in one space for a long time, this tenant will soon begin to feel cramped. Until those uterine walls start closing in, however, there's plenty of space for twisting, turning and even an occasional somersault (so that's what you were feeling last night!).

With all that belly dancing going on, ti's hard to believe your baby gets any sleep at all. But believe it or not, your baby sleeps as much as a newborn, perhaps 12 to 14 hours per day!

20 Week Belly Picture

Not much to say here....Still growing. :)

20 Weeks

19 Week Ultrasound

Justin and I got to see our boys again last week. They did the full anatomy check on the boys and it was perfectly fine. The boys are growing perfectly and they checked out absolutely perfect. I had a stomach bug so we didn't talk much to Dr. Evitt but she said everything was ok. They made sure I wasn't dehydrated. She said the boys were perfectly fine so it was ok if I wasn't able to eat for a few days but to make sure I had plenty to drink. Thankfully whatever it was passed in 24 hours so I am back on the mend. We will go back for another visit and ultrasound in three weeks.

The picture on the left is a little foot. :) This is my favorite picture from this week. A little sweet is that!

This is Jackson. Laying face down just hanging out. :)

This is Jacob. Sweet little boy. :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Nursery in the Making

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The remodeling of the boy's room has begun!!! I cannot tell you how excited this makes me!!! I have the most amazing husband who is working so hard to make sure everything gets done for these two little boys of ours. We ordered all the furniture for their room the week before Thanksgiving and it should be here the first part of January. Justin said he would have the room ready to put the furniture in when it gets here. He is pulling up the carpet because that room is where Bailey has been since we have had her. It is time for her to move to the laundry room so the boys can have her room. Then we will paint and have new carpet laid. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

Daddy working hard pulling up the carpet to be replaced in the nursery! Thank you Babe!!!!

The Boy's First Christmas Present

We received the boy's first Christmas present from Aunt Beth and Uncle Roger today. They sent us the highchairs we registered for. Justin and I are so thankful to them for blessing us with such a wonderful gift for the boys before they are even here. It made me a little weepy. Just to watch Justin put them together and then to have two highchairs sitting here. So sweet! I can't wait for Jackson and Jacob to try them out. I am sure they will love them and get wonderful use out of them. Thank you so much Aunt Beth and Uncle Roger. We all love you very much!!!!!!

They are the Fisher Price Space Saver Highchairs that will attach to our chairs at the table. They will be able to use them from an infant to a toddler so we will get a lot of use out of them.

20 Week Update

It is crazy to think we are over half way through this pregnancy. It is absolutely amazing! I am still feeling great. Some of the symptoms I have been having (be it ever so slight) are easing up more and more. This last week has been pretty uneventful. We are just getting ready for Christmas. We have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so we will have more pictures soon. :) We can't wait to see them again.

There isn't much to the 20 week update. It just talks about finding out if you are having a boy or girl and we know that we are having two boys. It says the babies wiegh about 10 ounces and crown-to-rump length is about six and a half inches.

19 Week Belly Picture

Well I am pretty sure I am growing by the day. I had a day last week at work where I KNOW I grew from the morning to the afternoon. I walked by a mirror in the afternoon at work and thought, "Whoa when did that happen?". The girls at work always let me know when I have grown. Then when I get home (like tonight) and Justin says, "Babe, I think you have grown." then I really know I have a hit a growth spurt. I am pretty sure tonight's growth spurt happened in the 3 hours after work while I was out shopping. It is so funny to watch and feel.

I am pretty sure the boys had an active day today too. I am feeling more and more weirdness inside which Mother assures me is the boys moving. I am kind of new to this so I can't be sure. I told Justin today that I can't wait until we can feel them from the outside and know for sure it is them moving. It is so amazing!!!

19 Week Belly Picture in new top from Mother she gave me over the weekend.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Party

Jackson and Jacob got to go to their first Christmas party over the weekend. Justin's company flew us up to Ohio where his company headquarters is for their Christmas party. It was a short trip (up Friday morning and back Saturday afternoon) but we had a wonderful time. They have a few nice venue and the food was pretty good as well. Here is a picture of me before we headed out to the party.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

19 Week Update

It has been another great week. I have felt a lot better this week as far as the gagging and headaches go. I obviously have been looking better too according to the ladies at work. Ha ha ha. They are too sweet to me. Always looking out for me and making sure I am ok so special shout out to Aunt Erin, Aunt Tia, Noma and Aunt Beverly, Aunt Cindy and Aunt Sandi. I am one lucky woman and these are two lucky boys. They have taken such good care of us. I can't believe that we are half way there. Here is the update for week 19. Let's see what these boys are up to this week.

Week 19:
Six inches long this week and about eight ounces in weight, your baby is the size of a large mango.

Your little action figure is able to choreograph Matrix-like moves this week. Arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles, and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone. All these upgrades combine to give your baby more control over limb movements. Which explains all that kicking, stretching and body surfing (or rather belly surfing) you've possibly started feeling by now.

Something else going on this week: Your baby is getting a cheesy varnish. Say what? Yup - a protective substance called vernix caseosa (vernix is the Latin word for varnish; caseosa is cheese) now covers your baby's skin. It's greasy and white and is made up of lanugo (that downy hair). oil from your baby's glands, and dead skin cells. This waxy "cheese" may not sound too appetizing or attractive, but it's there for good reason: Vernix protects your baby's sensitive skin from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Without it, your baby would look very wrinkled at birth (sort of what you'd look like if you soaked in a bath for nine months). Some babies - especially those born early - will still be covered with vernix at the delivery, so you might get a look at your baby's first anti-wrinkle cream.

18 Week Belly Picture

Well I know I skipped a week of belly pictures but last Sunday we were traveling home from Springfield. I was tired when we got home and didn't get a chance to take a picture. So here I am at week 18. I guess since Dr. Evitt said we won't go past 37 weeks, by the middle of this coming week we will be at the half way point. That is absolutely amazing to this about! I can't wait to see them!!!

Christmas Time

Well Christmas is almost here and it is kind of the boy's first Christmas. It has been extremely hard for me to wrap my mind around Christmas this year because of always having Jackson and Jacob on my mind. All I want to do is prepare for them. I usually have Christmas decorations up by early November but definitely by Thanksgiving...not this year. Justin and I started decorating this past Monday night and just finished last night. I do love looking at the decorations but still I am constantly thinking about what we need to do for the nursery. While we were decorating Justin and I talked about how next year we will have two little 8 month old little helpers. :)

Our Christmas Tree

Jackson and Jacob's first ornament from Grammy. Mom always gets us a new ornament every year and this year it was for the boys. :)

Ol Silver

Well last Monday night Justin did something he has sworn he would never do as long as I have known him...he bought me a minivan! I have always wanted a minivan because I think they are more practical than an SUV with children. Justin was hard to convince but before we even started trying to have a baby we made deal (that I never thought we would need). I told him I would drive an SUV if we had one child at a time but I wanted a van if by some chance we had twins. Well I am sure glad I made that deal because TWINS it is and therefore MINIVAN it is!!! I wanted a minivan because I absolutely loved the Honda Odyssey. We drove one a few years ago and liked it but since then they have changed the body style. So we went to drive a new one and it was not nearly as impressive as the last body style. There was very little leg room and it didn't drive as smoothe as the other one did. I still wanted it though because I wasn't fond of any others. One night Justin and I were out to dinner and he asked me to look at the Nissan Quest and I did just to make him happy because he looked at the Honda for me. Well we got there and looked it and we both fell in love with it. We looked at the Honda and the Toyota Sienna and the Quest another day all in one afternoon so that we could compare. We decided the Quest was the best bet for what we wanted. It was the most comfortable and had the most options for the best price. So last Monday we went and bought one. It is silver and we absolutely love it. I got in and Justin told me we could have it and it made me so happy that I cried. The poor saleman kept asking if I was alright. I said, "Have you ever seen anyone cry over getting a minivan because they were so happy?" It was funny but I was just so overwhelmed with happiness and gratefulness that God has allowed us so many blessings. It is so funny to me that Justin really loves it as well and that also makes me so happy. Aunt Beth has named our van "Ol Silver" and it has stuck. :) We are so happy to have a vehicle with lots of space for Jackson and Jacob to enjoy on the road. How exciting that we are another step closer to welcoming these boys home!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

17 Week Check-up

Last Wednesday Justin and I got to see the babies again. They are growing just beautifully. They are both about 6 ounces and measuring perfectly for how far along I am. I was 17 weeks and 2 days the day we were at the doctor. Dr. Evitt walked in after the ultrasound and said "could these boys be any more perfect?". God has truly blessed me in this pregnancy and is blessing these boys of mine. She also said that she had no complaints about me either which was wonderful to hear. My blood pressure was up a little when we first got there but it went back down after I rested for a few minutes. She said she was not concerned about it at this point but could be indication of problems later because it has spiked a few times like that. Oh well we are just trusting God for continual health and good reports. It was perfect timing that we were able to go to the doctor that day because it was just a few days before we were supposed to fly to Ohio for Justin's company Christmas party but we needed the doctor's approval to fly. She said that it was ok without any hesitation. So it was an absolutely perfect visit and we were so thankful. So we all got to go to Ohio this weekend which was a blast. We got a few new pictures but they were not very good ones but here are the best ones. :)

