Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm Back...Time to Catch Up

I know, I know...I have been a complete slacker when it comes to the blog. Every time I think about sitting down to work on it there is something else I think of that needs to be done (feeding the boys,c hanging the boys, cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping...). There is always something to do. I just have to make time to do this too. It is very important to me, not only to share with everyone but to also keep track of everything for us to look back on in the future. My plan is to make a book out of the blog each year so I want to get back on track with keeping up with everything on here. The boys are changing so much and doing so good!!!!! I am going to back track a little bit in my next few posts just because I have a lot of pictures that I haven't posted from July and August. Then I will post the boys' five month pictures and information for September and then get updated for October. So much has happened the last few months, some I have already covered and some I haven't. Please forgive me if I repeat myself. I am excited to get back on track because I really do enjoy this. It may take me a couple of days to get caught up because like I said there is always something to do around here. :)

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