Monday, February 6, 2012

Church Shower

Last Thursday night my mother and sister had a shower for us. It was absolutely perfect! The cafe was decorated beautifully with blue, brown and yellow. Mom decided to go with a duck theme and incorporate the colors we are using for the boys' room. Everything was so cute. They made chili with all the fixins for dinner as well as rotel. Amy found the cutest idea for punch that looked like a bubble bath with little rubber duckies in it (pictured below) and there were amazingly yummy cupcakes with blue icing and little yellow ducks on top. We were blessed to have some wonderful friends and family join us and shower us with wonderful gifts. Justin and I are so thankful for the love and support of everyone around us. Here are some pictures from the shower.

On our way to the shower

The cafe

The food table

Decorations on the tables

The gift table

Everyone eating

Yummy cupcakes!!!! Wish I had one right now. :)

Isn't this punch the cutest ever?! It was very tasty too!

Getting ready to open gifts!

Cute little linen outfits

Bath stuff

Cute buckets with the boys' names on them

Changing pad

Soft blankets

Gowns...I love the little gowns...something so sweet about them

Soft blocks that Aunt Amy made for the boys

Cute little onsies with ties on them that Aunt Amy made.

Our monitor

The mobiles for the cribs

This is like a Boppy but made for twins.

Lots of bibs

A carseat!!!! We got both of them at this shower

Me saying a very short "Thank You" to everyone before I started crying. It is so overwhelming for so many people to bless us with so many wonderful things for our babies.

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