Monday, February 20, 2012

30 Week Update

This is getting absolutely unbelievable. I am a full 29 weeks today and going into the 30th week. Only 8 full weeks left at the most!!!! THAT IS CRAZY!!!! This last week has been pretty uneventful. We went to the doctor and I worked a full week. When I wasn't working I was at home resting. Just trying to rest as much as possible. I am still feeling pretty good. Starting to have some aches and pains in my hips and back but nothing terrible. The weird thing is the nausea that has returned the last couple days. I am not sure what that is all about. Oh well we have almost made it through this pregnancy....Yes I said this pregnancy. :) Yesterday Justin and I were standing in Motherhood. I was buying to some pajamas. I said, "well I guess I don't really need anymore clothes" and Justin said, "for this round". I said, "How many more rounds are there going to be?" :) Let's just see how the next few years go.

I am off work this next week so I am going to do another load of the boys laundry and start getting our bags packed for the hospital. Any suggestions are welcomed for what you think is most important for the hospital that a first time mom might not think of. I can tell you one thing if nothing else makes it to the hospital the ipod and ipod speakers are a must because Fred Hammond's "Jesus Be A Fence" will be played before I roll into surgery. :) Ok so the cameras are a must too but the music is pretty important to me. :)

Let's see what the boys will be up to this week....

30 Week Update:
Your baby's height and weight haven't changed much in the past week, but the big news is your baby's brain gain. Until now, the surface of your baby's brain was smooth. Now, your baby's brain is taking on those characteristic grooves and indentations. The reason for this change in appearance? Those wrinkles allow for an increased amount of brain tissue - a necessary change as your developing baby prepares for life outside your womb, and the street smarts he or she will need.

Another big change this week: Your baby's bone marrow has taken over production of red blood cells (before, tissue groups and then the spleen took care of producing the blood cells). This is an important step for your baby, because it means he or she is better able to thrive on his or her own once born (with a little TLC from you, of course).

So it's in with the new (brain cells, red blood cells) and out with the old (lanugo). Much of the lanugo - the soft, downy hair covering your baby's body - is beginning to disappear now because both fat and the brain are regulating your baby's body temperature (so no need for that furry coat anymore). But you may see a few leftover strands of fur on your newborn's back and shoulders.

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