Sunday, February 26, 2012

31 Week Update

Another week down and just 7 more to go. Can we say CRAZY??!!! I have been at home this last week resting and will be at home this coming week too. I see Dr. Evitt on Thursday so we will see if she wants me to continue resting or go back to work a few hours a day. I am thinking at this point resting is going to be high on the list of priorities. It is funny to look back because at our very first doctor's appointment she was giving us all the statistics of twins....BUT GOD!!!! She had fully expected us to start having problems in December that would have put me on bed rest. Here I am in February with 7 weeks to go and very few issues and definitely nothing as major as she thought. I do realize at this point in the game with twins it is time for me to slow down and get more rest. The more rest I get the better off we are at keeping Jackson and Jacob safe in their growing environment for 7 more weeks. God has been so good to me throughout this pregnancy. I am so very thankful for an amazing pregnancy experience.

I am starting to get a little nervous about the hospital and c-section process. I know that God has everything under control. It is just all the unknowns that bother me. Not knowing when they are going to come exactly if they were to come a little earlier than the full term mark, not knowing how the c-section procedure is going to go and how the recovery will be. I am going to pack mine and the boys suitcases for the hospital this week so that we can be prepared for anything. Justin and I are still praying and believing that they will go full term so that we will have no complications and that they will be able to be with us immediately and have no need to be sent anywhere else. We would appreciate anyone who feels led to agree with us in that prayer. We are so excited for this next step in our life and cannot wait to meet the precious gifts that God has given to us.

Sorry for rambling on but just sharing my heart and where we are at this time. :)

Let's see what week 31 has in store for Jackson and Jacob this week.

Week 31:
As far as growth goes, your baby is still on a roll, measuring an impressive 18 inches and weighing in at more than three pounds. You can still expect your baby to gain at least three to five pounds, possibly more, before you two meet.

Your baby's brain is working overtime these days, developing faster than ever. Connections between individual nerve cells are growing at a frenetic clip, and your baby can now perceive information from all five senses. Sure, your baby can't smell anything right now, but that's only because he or she is still submerged in amniotic fluid and needs to be breathing air to get a whiff of anything. Lucky for you - and your baby - yours will be one of the very first scents your baby breathes in, a scent that will quickly become his or her very favorite.

So what's your little dove doing all day while you're busy feathering your nest for his or her arrival? Making faces, hiccupping, swallowing, breathing, pedaling with little hands and feet along your uterine wall, and even sucking his or her thumb. In fact, some babies suck their thumbs so vigorously while in the womb that they're born with a callus on their thumb.

30 Week Belly Picture

Well I feel like my belly has popped out a little more this week. I will let you be the judge. :) 7 more weeks of belly pictures at the most!!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

30 Week Update

This is getting absolutely unbelievable. I am a full 29 weeks today and going into the 30th week. Only 8 full weeks left at the most!!!! THAT IS CRAZY!!!! This last week has been pretty uneventful. We went to the doctor and I worked a full week. When I wasn't working I was at home resting. Just trying to rest as much as possible. I am still feeling pretty good. Starting to have some aches and pains in my hips and back but nothing terrible. The weird thing is the nausea that has returned the last couple days. I am not sure what that is all about. Oh well we have almost made it through this pregnancy....Yes I said this pregnancy. :) Yesterday Justin and I were standing in Motherhood. I was buying to some pajamas. I said, "well I guess I don't really need anymore clothes" and Justin said, "for this round". I said, "How many more rounds are there going to be?" :) Let's just see how the next few years go.

I am off work this next week so I am going to do another load of the boys laundry and start getting our bags packed for the hospital. Any suggestions are welcomed for what you think is most important for the hospital that a first time mom might not think of. I can tell you one thing if nothing else makes it to the hospital the ipod and ipod speakers are a must because Fred Hammond's "Jesus Be A Fence" will be played before I roll into surgery. :) Ok so the cameras are a must too but the music is pretty important to me. :)

Let's see what the boys will be up to this week....

30 Week Update:
Your baby's height and weight haven't changed much in the past week, but the big news is your baby's brain gain. Until now, the surface of your baby's brain was smooth. Now, your baby's brain is taking on those characteristic grooves and indentations. The reason for this change in appearance? Those wrinkles allow for an increased amount of brain tissue - a necessary change as your developing baby prepares for life outside your womb, and the street smarts he or she will need.

Another big change this week: Your baby's bone marrow has taken over production of red blood cells (before, tissue groups and then the spleen took care of producing the blood cells). This is an important step for your baby, because it means he or she is better able to thrive on his or her own once born (with a little TLC from you, of course).

So it's in with the new (brain cells, red blood cells) and out with the old (lanugo). Much of the lanugo - the soft, downy hair covering your baby's body - is beginning to disappear now because both fat and the brain are regulating your baby's body temperature (so no need for that furry coat anymore). But you may see a few leftover strands of fur on your newborn's back and shoulders.

29 Week Picture

Well I hope you are enjoying these pictures because there won't be too many more! Just 8 more weeks at the absolute most before Jackson and Jacob will be here. I am still growing...

28 1/2 Week Doctor's Appointment

Last Thursday Justin and I went to the doctor for another ultrasound and checkup with Dr. Evitt. Aunt Amy and cousins Trey and Taryn came with us to see the ultrasound one more time before the boys are here. Trey was such a good little boy. He just sat there and ate pork rinds (my snack that Justin brought me for the doctor's appointment) and watched the screen. He asked if he could get in my tummy like Jackson and Jacob. I said oh no once you come out you don't get to go back in. So cute.

The boys are now both head down. Last time Jackson had flipped to head down but Jacob was still bottom down and now they have both flipped down. Jacob has also flipped over so he is face up and we were able to see his little face a little bit. Jackson is still facing my back. They are in such close quarters in there that it is getting harder and harder to get pictures and measurements. They now weigh 2 pounds 5 ounces and 2 pounds 9 ounces. Yesterday my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" app said a single baby should weight 2 pounds 9 ounces so we are right on track. There is an 8% difference between the boys measurements right now. Dr. Evitt said she isn't concerned at this point but measurement discrepancies is something they watch very closely. If it gets to a 20% difference then she will have to talk about taking them. We are still believing for a full term pregnancy. Just 8 more weeks!!!!

Dr. Evitt had no complaints at all. She said they are absolutely perfect. My blood pressure was perfect and she was extremely pleased with all my sugar readings that I have been tracking for the last few weeks. Very thankful for another good report. She said at this point more rest is only going to help our efforts in going all the way. So I am cutting back at work more and more.

Here are a couple pictures we got this week....


You can't see too much here but you can kind of see that they are all snuggle up together. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

29 Week Update

I cannot believe another week is gone. I think they keep passing even faster every week. Not much has happened this week. I have had a cold or something which hasn't been too fun but I am on an antibiotic and have cough medicine so I am sleeping good. :) I went back to the high risk OB this week for them to evaluate my sugar levels. I started out really well and then had some high readings toward the end of the week. They think it was due to me being sick. They did teach me how to use insulin but told me not to start it yet. I am going to call them Monday afternoon to evaluate my numbers from the weekend. If they are happy with them then I won't have to use the insulin. They have been back down with only one high reading so far so I hope we can avoid the insulin. My thinking is that I have too many normal reading to start using insulin that would just make me bottom out. I definitely want to do whatever is best for the boys but I don't think insulin is the way to go just yet. Out of a whole week of checking my sugar four times a day I had maybe 4 or 5 high readings and was sick. So we shall see what they say tomorrow. Just 9 more weeks at the most left to go!

Let's see what Jackson and Jacob are up to this week...

Week 29:
Your baby is almost 17 inches tall now (nearly as tall as he or she will be at birth), and close to three pounds (a weight that will likely more than double - and may even come close to tripling - by delivery time). His or her wrinkled skin is smoothing out as more fat is deposited under the skin surface. This fat, called white fat, is different from the earlier brown fat that your developing baby accumulated. Brown fat is necessary for body temperature regulation while white fat (the fat you have, Mom) actually serves as an energy source.

Which explains why your energizer baby feels so...well...energized! Space in your baby's living quarters is now at a premium, so you'll be feeling jabs and pokes from elbows and knees mostly. But those kicks will be more vigorous than before (and also less erratic) because your baby is stronger and excitedly responding to all sorts of stimuli - movement, sounds, light, and that candy bar you ate half an hour ago.

Luckily, your baby doesn't have teeth yet that would need brushing after that sugary treat, but it won't be long before you'll to buy that first baby toothbrush! You'll recall that your baby's baby-teeth buds formed weeks ago, but now the buds for permanent teeth are forming in his or her gums as well.

And back to those kicks, who's counting? Actually, you should be. Now's a good time to start doing a kick count twice a day to make sure baby's doing just fine (plus, it's a good excuse for a rest). Lie down (preferably after a snack) and keep track of your baby's movements. You're looking for at least ten movements in an hour's time (don't forget to count movements of any kind - kicks, flutters, swishes, rolls, and so on).

28 Week Belly Picture

It has been a couple weeks since I have posted a picture of the belly. Some days I don't think I am growing enough and then other days I feel a lot bigger. Last week I forgot to take a picture on Sunday and if I don't take it on Sunday I don't like to take it later in the week because then the timing is off. Yes OCD I know. :) So here we are at a full 28 weeks.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

28 Week Update

Well the last week has been an interesting one. I failed both the one hour and three hour glucose test so my doctor sent me to a High Risk OB and dietitian. They gave me a monitor to check my sugar four times a day (fasting first thing in the morning and one hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner) and they put a meal plan together for me. It is actually more food than I was eating. In my head I was thinking I was going to have to eliminate carbs completely but that is not the case at all. I have breakfast with 30g of carbs, morning snack with 30g, lunch with 60g, first afternoon snack with 30g, second afternoon snack with 15-30g, dinner with 45-60g, first evening snack with 30g and second evening snack with 15-30g. That is a lot of eating. They told me I was about 15 pounds under weight gain for the twin weight gain. I have only gained 22 pound and full term twins weight gain is 40-56 pounds on a diet of 3,000-3,300 calories. That is all well and good but I am not tryin to put on 30 more pounds in the next two months just to match their chart. The boys are growing perfectly and that is all that matters.

So they gave me a week to track my sugar and log it and keep a food log. I have been doing great with only a couple high readings here and there but nothing way off the chart. So I am thinking this will be easily managed with their diet plan. Kind of a pain but it is a good eating plan to be following anyway. So I go back to see them this Friday and let them evaluate what I have done this last week. We will see what they have to say. I have to say I was pretty nervous about the whole thing but it has turned out ok. It just requires some extra planning in order to fit all 75 meals a day that they want me to have. :)

So anyway.....enough about me and on to these babies. Their room is completely ready and the car seats are in the van. Just about 10 more weeks and we will be ready to bring our two little bundles of joy home. It is so exciting. I am not quite sure what to do with myself with everything done. I guess I will just rest and let them grow. :) Let's see what they are up to this week...

Week 28:
Are you dreaming about your baby? This week, your baby may be dreaming about you, too. Brain wave activity measured in a developing fetus shows different sleep cycles, including the rapid eye movement phase, the stage when dreaming occurs.

By now, your baby, who weighs in at about two and a half pounds and stands - or rather lies - at almost 16 inches (measured head to toe) has added blinking to his or her growing bag of tricks. (Outside in the real world, blinking in necessary to help keep foreign objects out of the eyes.) Other impressive new talents being added to your baby's roster in the womb include coughing, more intense sucking, and, perhaps most important, better breathing.

The good news is that babies born this week, though premature, have an excellent prognosis because their lungs have reached the point (for the most part) of maturity - so you too can breathe a little easier now. Of course, it's still best if a baby doesn't check out of that uterine hotel just yet - there's still a lot of growing and maturing to do over the next few weeks.

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Nursery in the Making: Finishing Touches

Well I worked in the nursery all day Friday getting all the gifts organized and put away. I washed all of the boys' laundry. I wanted to wait a little longer to get that done so that it would be fresh but I didn't want to wait too long and run out of time since they could come early. Saturday Justin and I went out to Hobby Lobby, Target and Babies R Us to get a few things that we hadn't received at our showers to finish up the nursery to be baby ready. All the laundry is done, the mobiles are on the cribs, the monitor and cameras are set up and ready to go, we bought some pictures and hung them, Justin put the swings together and put the carseats in the van. I think we are all set!

Jackson's bucket filled with stuffed animals and soft toys

Jacob's bucket filled with toys

Pictures we found at Hobby says "babies"! Perfect!

Jacob's mobile

Jackson's mobile

Wreath that mom made for our front door when the boys arrive.

Changing table is all ready!

Drawer full of bibs, burp cloths, changing pad protectors, socks, caps and mittens

Onsies and sleepers



More blankets

More diapers

The carseats

Justin working on putting the swings together

The carseats are installed in the van :) LOVE IT!!!!!

View from the back

Church Shower

Last Thursday night my mother and sister had a shower for us. It was absolutely perfect! The cafe was decorated beautifully with blue, brown and yellow. Mom decided to go with a duck theme and incorporate the colors we are using for the boys' room. Everything was so cute. They made chili with all the fixins for dinner as well as rotel. Amy found the cutest idea for punch that looked like a bubble bath with little rubber duckies in it (pictured below) and there were amazingly yummy cupcakes with blue icing and little yellow ducks on top. We were blessed to have some wonderful friends and family join us and shower us with wonderful gifts. Justin and I are so thankful for the love and support of everyone around us. Here are some pictures from the shower.

On our way to the shower

The cafe

The food table

Decorations on the tables

The gift table

Everyone eating

Yummy cupcakes!!!! Wish I had one right now. :)

Isn't this punch the cutest ever?! It was very tasty too!

Getting ready to open gifts!

Cute little linen outfits

Bath stuff

Cute buckets with the boys' names on them

Changing pad

Soft blankets

Gowns...I love the little gowns...something so sweet about them

Soft blocks that Aunt Amy made for the boys

Cute little onsies with ties on them that Aunt Amy made.

Our monitor

The mobiles for the cribs

This is like a Boppy but made for twins.

Lots of bibs

A carseat!!!! We got both of them at this shower

Me saying a very short "Thank You" to everyone before I started crying. It is so overwhelming for so many people to bless us with so many wonderful things for our babies.