Friday, October 19, 2012

6 Month Check-Up

I took the boys to the six month check-up yesterday. The doctor was very happy with how well they are doing. Jacob is now 14 pounds and 6 ounces (13%), which is up from 12 pounds 3 ounces at their four month visit, and he is 25 1/4 inches long (26%). Jackson is now 17 pounds (59%), which is up from 14 pounds 3 ounces at their four month visit, and he is 26.3 inches long (60%). They both grew almost two inches from their four month check-up. They got their flu shot, two shot vaccinations and one vaccination by mouth. They did very well after the shots and didn't even run any fever. I was very thankful for that because last time Jacob got extremely sick from the shots and Justin was out of town last night and I didn't want to have them that sick without Daddy home. I mentioned to the doctor that they had not been taking their bottles as well the last week or so but I thought it was due to teething. She said it is about this time that they will start decreasing their intake of formula anyway and that we could eliminate one of their bottle feedings and give them three meals of solid food a day. That is so exciting!!!!!!! After talking to Aunt Amy we decided to start a new schedule today....more on that in a minute. The boys also had their finger pricked and some blood work done on them yesterday. The doctor said it looked great which meant they were absorbing all the nutrients they needed to and that they were indeed ready for more solid food. I had a feeling she would be telling us this, so Monday night Justin, the boys and I went to Aldi and stocked up on some food for the boys. I bought bananas, sweet potatoes and pumpkin. Yesterday afternoon I gave them some bananas for the first time. They definitely made funny faces but seemed to like it ok.

So about the new schedule. I was telling Aunt Amy that I was going to have to figure out how I was going to wake the boys up with a bottle and give them a bottle right before bed, get another bottle in and three solid meals all in one day. She suggested that I wake them up with fruit and cereal, give them a bottle, have lunch of a solid, bottle in the afternoon, dinner with a solid and then a bottle before bed. That made perfect sense...Thanks Ame! So this morning I got them up and fed them bananas and oatmeal (baby oatmeal), they played for a little while, gave them a 4 oz bottle and laid them down for a nap. So far, so good. :) They shared a whole banana this morning. I only made them a 4 oz bottle because I thought I would start out a little small and just see how they are going to do. This is going to be a little bit of a trial and error process for a while. I put them to bed at 11:30 and they are still sleeping now at 12:50 so I think we did pretty good this morning. They had been taking 7 oz bottles for about a month and a half and then just this last week decided they were not as happy with a bottle. They would sometimes leave 2 or 3 oz. So that is why I thought I would start with 4 and see how they would do. They took the bottle like they used to when they ate really good without fighting. I think maybe they were just as much ready for a change as I am excited about feeding them solid food.

I just have the best babies in the world and am so thankful. They are more and more fun every single day. I was sitting feeding them this morning and looking at them sitting in their highchairs thinking what big boys they are getting to be. It is just so funny to look at them now and think how small they were when we brought them home. Now they are starting to seem like little boys and not just babies. They were sitting there all big eating with a spoon and drinking out of a sippy cup. SO SWEET!!!!!! I am so blessed!!!!!

Ok enough about me and my sappy weepy self...bottom line is the boys are doing great. The doctor was happy which makes me feel like I am doing my job right and makes me ever so happy. I will take them back to the doctor in one month (which will be the week after hello???!!!! THANKSGIVING IS ALMOST HERE...ARE YA KIDDING???!!!) for a flu booster shot. Then they will not go to the doctor until their 9 month check-up which will be in JANUARY!!!! This is just getting crazy!!!

The boys at the doctor's office. They tore that paper on the table to pieces! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

6 Month Pictures

Here are the 6 month pictures of my sweet boys. It is so hard to believe they are six months old. They are getting so big!!!







New Camera

Justin got a new camera for him birthday because he got extremely frustrated while taking the boys 5 month pictures. He kept missing good smiles and it wasn't his fault. The camera just wasn't reloading quick enough after taking a picture. When we were at the beach taking pictures Wes and Tia had a camera that took a bunch of pictures really fast (I cannot for the life of me think of what that is called at the moment). So Justin was convinced that he needed one. I have to admit, once I saw our 6 month pictures (coming soon...I just have to sift through 500 pictures first because it takes so many at once) I was convinced that it was a good thing too. We will take the boys a couple times a year to get professional pictures but figured we would just take them on our own most of the time. Here are just a few pictures that we have taken here and there with the camera since we got it. This is going to make it difficult to pick pictures because it take so stinkin many at once. :)











Mommy and Jacob
Mommy and Jackson

Sweet baby boys