Wednesday, March 5, 2014

First Birthday Party

I am almost a year behind in posting about their first birthday party and I do feel awful about it. Better late than never though, right????

The boys had an absolutely wonderful first birthday party. It just could not have been better. We had it at the church in the cafe. Our theme was Two Peas in a Pod. It was the perfect twin theme and could really only be used for their first birthday. I thought about Dr. Seuss Thing 1 and Thing 2 and I also thought about Noah's Ark Two by Two but decided Two Peas in a Pod would be too baby-ish to use as they got older. It turned out perfect. I ordered most of the food and their cake from Publix. Then I made some dips for chips and punch.

We were so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family join us as we celebrated the first year of the boys life. It was a wonderful occasion that I was so very thankful for. It was such an emotional day for me seeing my baby boys celebrating their first birthday. I shed a few tears. It was hard to believe they were growing up so fast and that the time was flying by so fast. Then at the same time I was ever so thankful to have two healthy baby boys and that we joyously made it to their first birthday.

The boys got their first smash cake to do with whatever they wanted. Jackson absolutely loved his and ate half of it. Jacob on the other hand did not like it at all. He didn't want it on his hands. LOL Just goes to show how different they truly are. They didn't get into opening the gifts too much as far as knowing what they were doing. However, they sat and enjoyed Mommy and Daddy opening them. They just sat in their high chairs and watched. They sure did enjoy playing with their toys when they got home though. We were so grateful for all the wonderful gifts the boys received.

Ol' Silver full of balloons for the party

The boys arriving at their party



Mommy and Jackson



Mommy and Jacob

The boys eating some lunch.


Jackson checking out his balloons

Jackson ready for some cake

Jacob is ready for some cake too...or so he thinks

The boys and their presents. They were so blessed by so many gifts

It's cake time!



Jackson digging right in

Jacob isn't so sure about it


Mommy and Aunt Tia trying to get Jacob to eat some cake with a fork because he was not happy with it on his fingers




Present time!

Just as content and happy as can be. They were such good little boys and enjoyed their party

This picture is here because this toy produced Jackson's first word. When we got home that night and started opening up toys we were playing with this one that has balls with it. I gave the ball to Jackson and said "ball" and he said "ball" just as clear as I did. We kept repeating for I don't know how long. It was so stinkin cute!

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