Wednesday, March 5, 2014

April 2013: Panama City Beach

Like I said in my last post we left for the beach on the boys birthday. We figured we would give the boys their bed time milk and put them in their jammies and hit the road. We drove about five hours and stopped for the night. Our friends Ana and Jason met us at our stopping point for the night so they could go spend the weekend with us at the beach.It was a Friday night. They were going to stay with us through Sunday and then we were staying through the week. The boys are the best travelers ever. They have always done so good in the van. Then the next morning we got up and headed the rest of the way to the beach. We chose Panama City Beach. We went there for the boys' first ever trip to the beach and loved it so we decided to go back to the same place. We had a great week. It was as I had envisioned but it was still great. The boys were a little more difficult at the beach this go around. Last time they weren't mobile and they just laid around. This time they were crawling everywhere so we couldn't just set them down. They were also still taking two naps a day and the whole sleeping down by the pool didn't work out like it did the first time. However, we were at the beach and we were together with friends and we had the whole week to spend with Justin instead of him being at work. The scenery I had during nap time, while washing dishes and doing laundry was much more relaxing and a nice change of pace from being at home so I really can't complain. We still enjoyed our time there. There is just nothing like being at the beach. We got to enjoy our favorite meals at the restaurants we go to every time we are there. Captain Anderson's is my favorite. They have a She Crab Pie dish that is probably my favorite dish of anything I have tasted anywhere in the whole world. It is puff pastry, cream cheese, fish and she crab soup sauce. It is fabulous!!! Justin's favorite is Angelo's. It is a steak restaurant. I have to admit it is one of my favorites too. Yummy steak, baked potato and Texas toast. YUM!!!!!! Ok now I want a steak!!! We spent the day at the pool or in the room. Then at night we would go out to dinner and walk around some of the shops enjoying the evening beach air. Then when we put the boys to bed Justin and I would relax and watch a movie. It was a wonderful, beautiful week. We took some evening pictures on the beach. We didn't get the greatest light behind us but we still got some beautiful pictures. The weather was so nice. It was actually a little on the cool side. It was warm enough to be out in the sun but a little cool to be in the water. I prefer it that way. I don't like being overly hot. It made it nice for the boys too. I can't wait to go back.

Mommy and Jacob enjoying a little time in the pool

Jackson just chillin' in his tent

I have no idea what was so funny to me but Jackson was not amused.

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