Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Easter 2013

Well before Easter rolls around again I should probably add pictures from last year. This was the boys' first Easter to go to church. Their very first Easter was spent in the NICU. We still took them Easter baskets and told them about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and raising on the third day but this year it was so nice to be able to all go to church together and celebrate our risen Lord together.

Mommy and Daddy with their boys

Memaw with us

Mimi and Poppy with us

Just Mommy and her boys. I am holding Jackson and Jacob is sitting on the couch.

The cousins. Jacob, Trey, Taryn and Jackson. They were not feelin' the pictures

Jacob and Jackson. It was not the greatest day for pictures. 

A picture of all of us....even though Travis' camera is in the picture it is still all of us together.

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