Tuesday, June 26, 2012

11 Weeks: Great-Grandparents, Piggy Banks, Firsts and Dedication

I am overlapping from week 10 some because I forgot some things. We have had so much going on the last couple of weeks. A week ago last Friday my grandparents came to meet the boys. My grandparents are so great and I am so happy that they were able to come and meet their newest great-grandchildren. We got to spend all last week with them. We didn't do a whole lot. We just hung out around my house or Amy's house for most of the week while grandma spoiled the kids. Mama and Papa got to experience a few firsts that the boys had last week. They bought them their first jungle gym and the boys absolutely love it. They will just there and look all around and smile. It is so cute. Mama got to see Jackson roll over on his own for the first time (from belly to back) and Jacob laugh out loud. I missed Jackson rolling over but was holding Jacob when he laughed. It was so cute. The boys have both started smiling a lot this week. It's not just aimless smiling anymore. They are actually smiling at you when you talk to them. It is the sweetest thing ever!!! They are getting so big and changing so much. I just can't hardly believe it! Mimi bought the boys their first piggy banks last week too. She had some change to divide out between all the kids and Trey was the only on with a piggy bank so she got one for Taryn and the boys. Trey put all of the money in each of the piggy banks. Wednesday we went up to the outlets with the family. We did some awesome shopping for the boys at Children's Place...thanks to Aunt Amy who found the great sale for us...we bought 20 shirts and 6 pairs of pants for $45. It was all 6-9 months and winter clothing which is perfect for us. I was very excited. On Sunday Pastor McGinnis dedicated the boy back to the Lord. It was such a special time. Mom, Dad, Kathy, Mama, Papa, Amy, Travis, Trey, Taryn, Tia, Wes, Micah, Sloane, Erin and Elaina were all there with us and we were so happy to share that time with them. Travis took pictures for us so I will post those later. It was extremely important to Justin and I to have Pastor dedicate them. We know that God gave us these two wonderful boys. What a day of rejoicing as we presented them to the Lord. It was an absolutely wonderful week. I will be having family withdrawals this week. Here are some pictures of my ever-growing little boys...

As soon as Mama and Papa got here they were holding the boys. So sweet!

Mama reading to two of her great grandchildren

Jackson was napping while Mama was reading


Jacob smiling at me for the the first time that I felt like it was really at me because I was talking to him (6/18)

This is what happens when his daddy swaddles him. :)

Jacob was just chillin with his Grammy. He was OUT!

Jackson and Daddy
Cute little babies in their jammies

Jackson smiling...this was the first day that he really started smiling. (6/19)

Sweet baby boys sleeping on Aunt Amy's couch

Jacob with his piggy bank

Jackson with his piggy bank

The boys ready to go to Pigeon Forge for the day with the family in the first Polo outfits

Look at that sweet Jacob smile



Jackson watching us play Spinner

Playing Spinner with Mama and Papa...I was winning :)

The boys first time on the Jungle...They LOVED it!



The boys in their dedication outfits

Sunday afternoon nap with mom

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2 Month Pictures

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts we took the boys to JC Penny to have their pictures taken. We just got the CD back last week. I still cannot believe how good the pictures turned out. Prepare to ooh and aaahhh. :) I cried when I saw them...they are just so precious.







2 Month Check-Up

We took the boys to the doctor last Thursday (June 14th) for their two month check-up. They have grown so much. Jackson is now 10 pounds 2 ounces and is 22 inches long. Jacob is 9 pounds 2 ounces and is 21 1/4 inches long. You can really tell that Jackson is getting a bit bigger. I can start to tell the difference in their clothes. I have told Jacob he needs to catch up because I have two of everything and my OCD can't handle them not wearing the same thing. :) I guess one of them will always have something a little too big or a little too small. The doctor was very happy with their growth. They both increased in the percentages on the growth chart. We don't go back for 2 more months. They are both eating 4 ounces at feedings and she was happy with that as well as the fact that they are sleeping through the night. I am one proud momma!!!!

10 Weeks: Spring Cleaning and Father's Day

We didn't do a whole lot last week except clean, clean and clean some more. My grandparents came to stay with us for a little while so we had to get the house in tip top shape. Things were starting to drive me crazy anyway because I hadn't done a deep cleaning since before I was pregnant. So I went through the whole house and organized things and cleaned top to bottom. Justin and I literally did something every evening. Justin is such an amazing husband and father. He helped me so much. He cleaned out our garage and painted the floor and helped me with things inside too. I am so proud of our home that we share together with our precious boys.

The boys are doing so good. They are pretty much sleeping all through the night now. We feed them between 8 and 10 and let them sit up for a little bit and then put them to bed. They will sleep at least until 6 or 6:30 and sometimes longer. I have discovered that even if they wake up in the night that they can be re-swaddled or given a pacifier and they will just go back to sleep. Then we get up around 6:30 or 7 to eat and are up for the day. They have definitely learned the difference between night and day. During the day I leave their blinds open and their door open so they are exposed to everything. At even given point of the day there are either two girls playing, the TV is on, music playing or something going on in the kitchen and it doesn't phase them if they are asleep. Then after their 8 or so feeding we snuggle with them for a bit and I put them in their bed and close the blinds and turn off all the lights. They are such good babies.

They are starting to interact more. I have been putting them in their bouncy seats with toys in the morning. You can get a smile here or there out of them. On Tuesday I gave them these little things I call a lovey. I think the technical name for them is security blankey. It is a really small little blanket like thing with a stuffed animal head on the top. Jacob absolutely loved his. It was the first time he seemed to really smile because he enjoyed something. He just cooed and rubbed his face all in it and snuggled with it. It was the cutest thing ever. Jackson didn't care as much for it. He was fine with it but just didn't seem to enjoy it as much as Jacob did.

We did take them to the doctor on Thursday but I will write about that separately.

Then Sunday was Father's Day. Justin's very first Father's Day. I will post the pictures from that later. Travis took them so I have to wait to get them from him. We were supposed to dedicate the boys (we originally planned it for the 24th, then had to change it) but Mom and Dad were delayed getting back from their trip to California so we had to postpone it. It is now back on schedule for the 24th.

Tummy Time

Trey went to the movie with us this week to see Happy Feet 2. Jacob and Jackson stayed at Aunt Amy's.

Jackson sleeping wit his lovey

Jacob napping with his lovey

I was trying to get a picture of his hair sticking up in the back but you can't see it too well.