Tuesday, May 29, 2012

7 Weeks Old: Circumcision, Big Sisters, Shopping and Swimming

I cannot believe how fast time is flyin by. Last week the boys turned 7 weeks old. They are getting so big. I know they are just now the size of a regular newborn but they were so tiny when they were born that it seems they are all grown up to me. :) LOL They have been out of preemie clothes for a few weeks now and some of their newborn outfits are getting small. I am going to take inventory this week of our next size of clothing to see what we need. We are in newborn sizes now but it won't be long before we graduate to 0-3 month size.

Monday was a traumatic day for the boys. First thing Monday morning they had to be circumcised. Normally that is taken care of in the hospital right after they are born by my OB (Dr. Evitt) but since they were taken to the NICU at another hospital she was unable to do it. The NICU at UT would not do it there and referred us out to a doctor at children's hospital. I was really nervous about it and taking care of them after but it went really well. The first diaper change after was pretty terrible but after that it got better rapidly which I was extremely thankful for. They slept a bit more and didn't eat quite as much in the morning but by late evening they were getting back to normal. Also, on Monday, I started keeping two girls for the summer. They are 10 and 12 and are honestly more help to me than anything I am doing for them. I am looking forward to spending some time with them. Hopefully we can find some fun things to get into this summer. I have a feeling there will be several days at the pool.

Tuesday we didn't do a whole lot. We were planning to go to the pool but it was rainy all day. We went to the mall for a little while and then to Babies R Us for a few things. The girls played the Wii for a while and with Bailey. Bailey is enjoying some attention cause she sho nough don't get it from me. They like playing with her though so it is win win for us all.

Wednesday we were going to go to the pool but it was gloomy Wednesday morning and by the time it cleared off and got pretty it was too late in the afternoon to go and I had some errands to run. Also, Justin was coming through town from Virginia and heading to Nashville so he was going to stop by the house to see the boys and we didn't want to miss him. I put the boys on their tummies for the first time to start working on lifting their heads. They have both had a lot of movement in their heads since they were in the hospital. They both lifted their heads and moved them from side to side.

Thursday I promised the girls we would go to the pool no matter if it was pouring down rain. :) So the boys got to go to Tonya's (Aunt TT) for the first time. They did really well as they always do. I took a pack n play and a monitor and set it up in Tonya's house while me and the girls went outside to the pool. Addison was inside watching over the boys because she wasn't able to get in the water because of some stitches. I think the boys really enjoyed being there. We will probably try to do that several times this summer. There is a pool in my subdivision but the boys would have to be outside and I am afraid of them getting too hot. So it is nice that they can be right inside the house and I can be outside and can just pop right inside the check on them.

Friday I took the boys to the doctor for a weight check. They didn't see the doctor just a nurse. We will not see the doctor for a few more weeks but they told me I could bring them in for a weight check between their one month and two month check up to see if they are over 8 pounds. The doctor told me when they hit the 8 pound mark that we could switch from the extra calorie formula to the regular formula and that I could let them go further between feedings instead of waking them up to eat. I was concerned about Jacob and wanted to check his weight. Jacob and Jackson had made their way up to take four and a half ounces per feeding. Then Jacob backed down and Jackson kept going up. Jacob got very uninterested after about 2 ounces of milk most of the time. Last time we were at the doctor I told her they were taking about 4 ounces. She said to keep increasing as they would take it so that is what I did and Jackson kept increasing but Jacob was backing off. I was getting extremely concerned. So when we got to the doctor they weighed the boys...keep in mind at 4 weeks Jackson was 7 pounds and Jacob was 6 pounds 10 ounces....now three weeks later Jackson is 8 pounds 13 ounces and Jacob is 8 pounds 3 ounces. I obviously had absolutely nothing to be concerned about. The nurse said the normal amount for them at this time was 2 ounces so as long as he was taking that much he was getting plenty. She said if he wanted more and wasn't spitting up a lot he could have more but 2 ounces was plenty too. So I was worrying for nothing but being a first time mom I just didn't know. They had always been eating the same amount and then they were eating very different amounts so I was concerned. Oh well they are growing perfectly and the nurse was extremely pleased with their progress. They are catching up on the charts very nicely. Friday evening we went out to dinner and then had family snuggle time. It was a great evening.

Saturday morning we got up and went to the grocery store. Then we met Grammy out to do some shopping. We have been looking for dedication outfits for the boys. We are having them dedicated on June 24th. I also wanted to find a new outfit for church on Sunday. I got an outfit for church but couldn't find the dedication outfit for the boys. We did get them a couple play outfits. Then we came home and I made a lasagna for Sunday lunch and an Eye of the Round roast for dinner. Then we hung out with our boys and watched a movie.

Sunday I went to church and sang both services. It had been a long time since I had done that. I love singing with our group. I am so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful body of Christ. Justin stayed home with the boys because Jacob had been fussy all morning. I think he had a tummy ache. He wasn't feeling the greatest on Saturday afternoon either so we had stopped and picked up some gas drops. They seem to really help him. We got to Mom and Dad's for lunch and after I just held Jacob to calm him down and let him and brother sleep on my chest for a while. I had missed them so much while I was at church. Being there for two services was a long time away from them. The boys hung out on the "ocean" at Grammy's for the first time today. The "ocean" play mat was bought for Trey. He enjoyed it and so did Taryn and now it is Jackson and Jacob's turn. They enjoyed it and took a nice nap on it too.

Yesterday was Memorial Day and Justin was off work so we got up and went to the grocery store to get stuff to grill burgers for dinner. We got home and I made some sandwiches and then we went to meet Grammy, Amy, Travis, Trey and Taryn at the pool. It was the boys' first time outside at the pool. They did really well and didn't get too hot for a while. They were in the pack n play in the shade under a fan. It was such a beautiful day to be at the pool.

Here are some pictures from the week...

The boys on Monday comforting each other after their traumatic day

Tummy Time

My giants after their weight check. They are getting so big

Snuggling with Mommy

How precious is this...I love seeing Justin with his babies

Lazy Saturday morning :)

Hangin out on the "ocean" for the first time

Relaxin at the pool

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

6 Weeks Old

Last week the boys turned 6 weeks old. We had a semi-busy week. Monday Justin was sick so he was home with us all day. I didn't like that he was sick at all but we sure did enjoy having him home with us. We didn't do much but just hang out around the house.

Tuesday the boys and I went over to Amy's to keep Taryn and Trey for a little while so Amy could go to a meeting. It went pretty well but I have to say it was very interesting to have four children under the age of four. Poor Taryn isn't too sure about the twins so I felt kind of bad for her. We had fun anyway though. I always enjoy being with my niece and nephew.

Wednesday I had my 6 week check up with Dr. Evitt. Everything was perfect and I was released from all restrictions. That meant I was able to go back to praise team practice full time, vacuum and work out. Three things I was very much so looking forward to doing. I stop going to praise team practice about 6 weeks before the boys were born when I was put on bed rest and went back to practice three weeks ago but haven't been singing much at practice and definitely not on Sunday's. I hadn't used the vacuum since probably November or December. Justin wouldn't let me. I know it sounds weird but I do enjoy cleaning my home. I was ready to start working out too because I want to get into better shape to be healthy for my boys. I am already down 4 pounds below where I was at my first doctor's appointment at 8 weeks pregnant. I am pretty excited about that and hope it keeps coming off.

Thursday I decided I was going to go for an early morning walk with the boys in our subdivision. Two large hills later I thought I was going to die and realized just how out of shape I really am. I did not think about having to push the stroller up the hills. I was so sore but still felt good about being able to do something. Thursday night I went to praise team practice. My sweet friend Erin came to help me with the boys. Justin was out of town and I don't like them staying up on the stage in front of the monitors. I am afraid it is a little too loud for them so I asked Erin to come sit with them off the stage while I practiced. I am so thankful for my wonderful friends who are so willing to help any time I need it. The boys will be staying home with their daddy while I go to practice when he is in town.

Friday the boys and I went to meet my friend Amanda and her boys at the mall for lunch and to walk around a bit. We had a great time. Again...So thankful for friends!!!

Saturday Justin, the boys and I went down to Market Square downtown. We were heading for biscuit festival but when we got down there it was lunch time and we wanted something more than biscuits. :) We ate some lunch and then walked around for a little while through the Farmers' Market. It was such a beautiful day to be outside. After that we did a little shopping and then hung out at home for the evening.

Sunday we all went to church and I got to sing again for the first time in a long time. I do love to sing for the Lord. He gave me my voice and I will use it to ever praise Him!!!! We spent the afternoon at Grammy and Poppy's with the rest of the family.

It was another wonderful week with my boys. They are just so absolutely precious. It is so neat to watch them grow and to see how different they really are. They are still sleeping most of the time. However, I did notice this week that they are becoming more and more alert and aware of their surroundings. I love to see them with their eyes wide open and now we get to see that a little more often. I am so thankful for my two little boys. They are doing so well. They will go at least one 5 hour stretch at night between meals and sometimes two. So I am getting a good amount of sleep and feeling great. Jackson usually takes between four and half and five ounces of milk/formula and Jacob takes anywhere from three to four and a half ounces. Jacob has had pretty bad baby acne for the last two weeks at least but it is starting to clear up. It started out looking like oily pimples and then it dried out and started peeling. His poor little face looked so bad but is looking much better now. Hopefully it will completely clear up soon.

Here are some pictures from their 6th week.

Just hanging out with mom

All ready to go to Aunt Amy's

Jacob and mom cuddling

Getting ready to go to the doctor with mommy

Mommy and Jackson cuddling

Just hangin out with each other

Jackson napping with Daddy. Just so peaceful

Sleeping at Grammy and Poppy's

Monday, May 14, 2012

5 Weeks Old: Lunch, Church,The Zoo and Mother's Day

Last week was another wonderful week with my boys. They are starting to sleep a little more through the night. They are going 4-5 hours between feedings which some nights means that they only get up once in the night. It is nice to be getting a little more sleep. We missed Daddy (Justin) a lot this week. He was gone three nights this week. We miss him terribly when he is gone but are so thankful for his job and how he works so hard for us. Monday we went to the doctor for their one month check up but you have already heard about that. Tuesday we went to see Aunt Tia, Aunt Erin, Noma, Grandma Bev and Allison for lunch. (These are the ladies I work with) We met them at Red Lobster in Oak Ridge and had a wonderful time. later that day we ran some errands for Grammy and Poppy. Then Tuesday night I went to my first meeting with the Knoxville Multiples Club. I didn't really want to go because new people make me extremely nervous but Justin made me go. He said I needed to get out and have some time alone. He was taking the boys away from me anyway to go shopping for Mother's Day. (He is such an amazing husband and daddy) So I went to the meeting and was glad that I did. It is amazing how easy it is to talk about your kids. Ha ha ha!!!! It was great to know that everyone there knew exactly what I was going through with two that not every mom of singletons understands. Everyone was very nice and extremely supportive. I think it will be a good thing for me to be involved with. It was hard to leave my boys but nice to be out at the same time. Here are some pictures from our lunch trip...

Aunt Tia hogging Jacob

Noma and Jacob

Wednesday I got to clean my house for the first time. Although I still couldn't do everything because of restrictions from the doctor it was nice to do a lot. It was such a weird but neat feeling to be cleaning my house like I would any other time but this time was different because I had the sound of a monitor in the background and kept checking on my little babies. It is still so unbelievable that I am a mom of two little babies. They are just so precious!!! Here are some pictures of just the boys from the week.

Sweet little Jackson cuddling with Mommy. Both the boys love to have their hands near their face. They are so peaceful when they sleep.

My two little monkeys



The boys hanging out in their bouncy seats. This is where I feed them. I can put them both in their seats and have my hands free to hold their bottles. When I burp one the other can get a little upset because I have to take their bottle out to have both hands free but we make it work. This is the best way to do it for us in order to keep them on the same feeding schedule.

 Thursday the boys and I went on a field trip to the church to meet some of the Pastors and church staff. We got to see Pastor McGinnis, Pastor Jeremy, Pastor Tom, Becky, Janice and Casey. Jacob hadn't slept very good the night before so he was a little fussy but everyone was happy to see them.

Pastor McGinnis and Jacob

Janice and Jackson; Pastor and Jacob

Pastor Tom and Jacob

Pastor Jeremy and Jackson

Friday we went to the mall to shop for my Mother for Mother's Day. Then we went to the grocery store so I could make dinner for us Friday night. This was my first meal I have made since i can't even remember when...probably before Christmas. It felt so good to be in my kitchen and cooking. I made baked chicken and homemade noodles. Justin had been out of town almost all week and I knew he was tired of eating out. Then we just spent the evening at home as a family. I am loving our family Friday nights at home. Justin also gave me my first Mother's Day gift that was from him...it was an iPod Touch. I was absolutely shocked. I love music and am so excited about it. I will be able to hook it up in my van which I LOVE!!!! Thanks again Babe!

Saturday we took the boys to the zoo for my company's picnic. It is always so fun to show off our boys to everyone. We didn't stay too long but did walk around a little bit. We got our first family picture while we were there though.

First trip to the zoo

Aunt Tia with Jackson

Our first family picture...LOVE IT!

The boys in their zoo outfits

Yesterday was Mother's Day which was absolutely amazing. I am thinking it is always going to be one of my most favorite days of the year. My first ever Mother's Day that I got to celebrate with two little boys. What an amazing honor to be a mother. The boys got me a beautiful heart-shaped necklace from Tiffany & Co that says "Mom". I will absolutely cherish it forever. Another amazing gift I got yesterday was to take my boys to church for the first time. That was just wonderful. I enjoyed the day so much!

First time to church :) You can kind of see my new necklace there.

Mommy and Jackson

Mommy and Jacob

It may be Mother's Day but Daddy needed a picture with the boys too....I wouldn't be a Mother without this wonderful man of mine!

Grammy and the boys

Grammy, Mommy, Jackson and Jacob. Couldn't celebrate Mother's Day without celebrating my Mother as well. :)

Well it was a fun eventful week. We don't have too much planned for this week. A little house cleaning, lots of bottle washing and an enormous amount of loving on my Jackson and Jacob.  I will be going to the doctor for my 6 week check-up and hopefully will be released to sing, vacuum and workout...three things that I desperately want to do. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Doctor's Appointment: One Month Check-up May 7, 2012

Well today was my actual 40 week due date. Hard to believe that I could have still been pregnant if I went completely full term. I have to say I am pretty thankful that I was not still pregnant today for several reasons. ha ha ha :) I took the boys to the doctor today by myself for the first time. Our doctor's office is really small so I was a little worried about getting my limo stroller in there but I have no choice but to use the stroller when I am by myself with the boys. I am still on a lifting restriction but even if I wasn't it is going to be so much easier to just use the stroller. We had to leave the stroller out in the hall but we made it in and out ok which is good. :) They even offered to come out and help me in in the future. I'm loving our pediatrician so far.

Everything was absolutely perfect with them. Jackson is now 7 pounds and Jacob is 6 pounds 10 ounces!!!! That is just crazy to me. I knew they were getting big but I didn't expect either one of them to hit 7 pounds just yet. They are eating well. :) Jacob has a little bit of what looks kind of like a rash or pimples on his face and the back of his neck. I asked the doctor about that and she said it is just baby acne. I figured that was the case because I had that as a baby. I also asked her about both of the boys kind of having cruddy noses and some drainage. She said their passages are so small that it is easy for mucus to build up. She said we can use saline spray in their nose and a cool mist humidifier in their room but wasn't concerned about it. We are giving them formula and breast milk still but they are getting more formula that milk. She said we still need to be using the Neosure which is an extra calorie formula for premature babies until they are over 8 pounds. So we will continue doing what we are doing. She said we will be way over 8 pounds by our three month check-up so if we wanted to come in just for a weight check we could so that we could change to regular formula.

I am just so happy that they are doing so well. The doctor was so happy and that makes for one happy momma. :)

One Month Pictures

Justin and I took some pictures over the weekend for the boys' one month milestone. They turned out so good if I do say so myself. I am just one proud momma. Jackson and Jacob are just so adorable. I can't stop looking at them!

Jacob (left) and Jackson (right)

Jacob just chillin on his "sofa" from Grammy and Poppy

Jacob (right) and Jackson (left)