Monday, January 9, 2012

Doctor's Appointment

Justin and I got to see the babies again this last week. Everything was absolutely perfect with the boys and with me. The boys are both about 1 pound each right now. They were not very cooperative for pictures but we did get a few. They were both facing towards my back. We asked Dr. Evitt when she would be planning for the c-section. I will be a full 37 weeks on April 15th which is a Sunday (and also happens to be my Dad's birthday). I asked her if she would plan the c-section the week before that or the week after. She said would plan it for the Monday after, the 16th. We will not officially be on the schedule until around 30 or 32 weeks. Dr. Evitt was very happy with how everything is going although she is still threatening me with bed rest. :)  I am just taking it one day at a time and very thankful that I have done so well. We will see her again in two weeks.



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