Monday, January 23, 2012

Doctor's Appointment 1-19-12

Justin and I got to see our boys again last week. According to the doctor they are perfect! One of them is 1 pound 4 ounces and the other is 1 pound 6 ounces. It seemed kind of small to me still but they assured me that they are right on track for even a single birth. So thankful to hear my boys are doing so well. They are, however, being stubborn or shy or something. They are still facing my back so we only have picture of their heads and spines. :) They are still cute picture but I really want to see their little faces! Oh well maybe next time.

I am still feeling great which is so wonderful. My blood pressure was up while we were at the doctor so Dr. Evitt wasn't too happy with that. She cut my hours at work so I am now only working 8 hours a day Monday through Thursday. I was working at least 9 hours a day and sometimes more than that. I don't want to just give up but I know at this point I need to be resting a little more. It is very hard for me to just sit and do nothing when I am feeling so good but I will listen to the doctor...and everyone else around me. :)
Here are the pictures we did get of our little ones. :)

Their heads



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