Sunday, January 29, 2012

27 Week Update

It's been another great week! I am feeling the boys move more and more every day. We get to feel them from the outside every now and then and I have watched my stomach move a few times. It is so amazing! I am really looking forward to this next week. We get to see the boys again on Thursday afternoon and then Thursday evening we have our baby shower at the church. I am so excited!!! More baby stuff! Nothing much else to report for this week. Still feeling good and truckin along. Well let's see what the boys are up to this week...

Week 27:
Most babies at this age, yours included, still like to snuggle in a slightly curled position inside the uterus (thus the term "fetal position"). Even so, beginning at this stage, your baby's length will be measured from top of head to toe - which makes your baby nearly a full 15 inches now. And at just over two pounds, he or she has doubles in weight from four weeks ago.

Your baby's auditory development (hearing) is progressing as the network of nerves to the ears matures. And even though the sounds your baby hears are muffled (thanks to the creamy coating of vernix covering those ears), he or she may recognize both yours and your partner's voices. So this might be a good time to read and even sing to your baby (or rather, your belly) - and a good chance to start boning up on those nursery rhymes and lullabies you'll need to be repeating (and repeating) pretty soon. And while you're at it, here's another way to have some family fun: If your partner presses his ear to your belly, he might be able to hear the baby's heartbeat.

Your baby's taste buds are very developed now too (with more taste buds than he or she will ever have outside the womb, actually). Need a taste test? If you eat some spicy food, your baby will be able to taste the difference in the amniotic fluid (but keep in mind that you'll have different mealtimes, with your baby's coming about two hours after yours). Some babies will even respond to that spicy kick by hiccupping. And although hiccups (which feel like belly spasms to you) may seem like they're disturbing to your baby, he or she isn't stressed at all. It's just one more sensation that babies need to get used to.

26 Week Belly Picture

Well not much to say but I am growing! :) A couple times this past week Justin has come home and said "Babe, you've grown again". Then Friday night Mom and Amy both said I have grown. So here is the proof. :)

A Nursery in the Making: The Furniture is Here!!!

Friday afternoon Justin and Amy went to pick up our furniture. I stayed at home and kept Trey and Taryn so Amy could go and help Justin if he needed it. Mom and Dad came over too so I made tacos for dinner. We had a furniture putting together/dinner party. Mom ironed the bed skirts, sheets and comforters so we could have the beds all put together. I will have to wash the sheets and comforter closer to time for them to come but I wanted to see everything all the way put together. So Justin got the beds put together with Amy and Trey's help, Dad helped carry in the dresser and Mom put all the bedding on. Last night Justin hung the names signs above the boys' beds. It is all really coming together. Justin is hanging another shelf in the closet today and we have our big shower at the church this week. By next weekend we should have a fully functional nursery for our two baby boys! I just can't believe how close it is getting to them being here. When I walk by their room now it surprises me to see cribs. It is just so amazing. Justin has done an absolutely fabulous job putting their room together. It is just perfect!!!!

The back of the van was completely full of all the furniture. I was shocked that they were able to get everything in one load...2 cribs, 2 mattresses, 2 sets of full size bed rails and a dresser! You go Ol' Silver!

There is one crib box

The other crib box and dresser


Here we go...time to put the cribs together!

There's the proud daddy! Justin was so excited he didn't even eat all of his dinner.

Trey being such a big help by dusting the pieces of the crib.

Still dusting! He's such a good kid!

Justin working hard.

Amy being to my poor Justin and caging him in...Trey thought it was funny. :)

First crib almost done

One crib down...One to go :)

First crib done and now adding the bedding

Second crib almost done

Doing some final tightening

Jacob's bed with all the bedding and a couple stuffed animals

Jackson's bed with all the bedding and a couple stuffed animals

View from the door

View from the closet


Jackson's Crib

Jacob's crib

Monday, January 23, 2012

26 Week Update

I know I say this week but I can't believe another week is gone! Time just keeps flying by! We only have 12 weeks at the most before we see our baby boys. It has been a good week.I didn't get a 25 week belly picture. I forgot to take one yesterday and now we are in week 26 so we will just have to wait for a new picture this coming weekend. Let's see what these boys are up to this week...

Week 26:
Look who's looking. Your baby's eyes - which have been closed for the past few months (so that the retina, the part of the eye that allows images to come into focus, could develop) - are beginning to open. All this means is that your baby is able to see what's going on now (unfortunately the view in your uterus isn't all that exciting). But do try this at home for kicks (baby's that is): Shine a flashlight at your stomach. Your baby might kick in response (as in" "Get that light out of my eyes!").

The iris, the colored part of the eye, still doesn't have much pigmentation (that will fill in over the next month or two), so it's too early to start guessing your baby's eye color. Even the color your baby will be born with might not be the permanent shade; so you may be kept guessing until your baby is close to six months old.

Look what else is going on this week: Your baby's brain-wave activity is kicking in at this stage in fetal development, which means your little one can not only hear noises but can now also respond to them. Not in so many words, of course, but with an increase in pulse rate or activity.

And talking about activity, at your baby's current height and weight (about nine inches tall and two pounds), and at the rate he or she is growing, your baby will soon be feeling a little cramped in your uterus. Not to worry, there's still plenty of room for your baby to grow. it just means your gymnast will have less room for those somersaults, cartwheels and other Olympic feats.

Doctor's Appointment 1-19-12

Justin and I got to see our boys again last week. According to the doctor they are perfect! One of them is 1 pound 4 ounces and the other is 1 pound 6 ounces. It seemed kind of small to me still but they assured me that they are right on track for even a single birth. So thankful to hear my boys are doing so well. They are, however, being stubborn or shy or something. They are still facing my back so we only have picture of their heads and spines. :) They are still cute picture but I really want to see their little faces! Oh well maybe next time.

I am still feeling great which is so wonderful. My blood pressure was up while we were at the doctor so Dr. Evitt wasn't too happy with that. She cut my hours at work so I am now only working 8 hours a day Monday through Thursday. I was working at least 9 hours a day and sometimes more than that. I don't want to just give up but I know at this point I need to be resting a little more. It is very hard for me to just sit and do nothing when I am feeling so good but I will listen to the doctor...and everyone else around me. :)
Here are the pictures we did get of our little ones. :)

Their heads



Monday, January 16, 2012

25 Week Update

Yet another week does this keep happening so fast?! Only 13 more weeks at the most left! I have started feeling them move a lot more over the last week. I noticed it especially on Friday. There was some major movement going on in there! We still can't feel them from the outside yet but I am thinking it won't be long the way I am feeling them inside now. Here is the weekly update for this week. :)

Week 25:
At nine inches and more than a pound and a half in weight, your baby is taller than two juice boxes stacked one on top of the other, and almost as heavy as four of those little boxes (an analogy you'll find particularly apropos in a few years, when those juice boxes start taking over your refrigerator, your pantry, your car...)

Don't look now (as if you could), but your baby's skin is turning pinker. No, not because he or she's getting overheated (in fact, the amniotic fluid is perfectly climate controlled, keeping your baby at an always comfortable temperature), but because small blood vessels, called capillaries, are forming under the skin and filling with blood. Later this week, blood vessels will also develop in your baby's lungs, bringing them one step closer to full maturity - and one step closer to taking that first breath of fresh air. But those lungs are still very much works in progress. Though they are already beginning develop surfactant, a substance that will help the lungs expand after the baby is born, the lungs are still too undeveloped to sufficiently send oxygen to the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide when he or she exhales.

The lungs aren't the only system that's gearing up for air intake. Your baby's nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open this week. This actually allows your little one to begin taking practice breaths. (Of course since there's no air in there, your baby is really only "breathing" amniotic fluid, but it's the practice that counts, right?)

My week last week and testimony for this week!

Well last week was a kind of a rough one for me. I broke out in a terrible rash that caused me to itch all night and get little rest. I called in to the doctor and they asked me to come in for blood work so I did and showed my rash to one of the nurses. My blood came back completely normal (thank you Jesus) but my rash kept getting worse. It started on my feet and hands and spread all the way up my arms and legs. The nurse said it was a common pregnancy rash they called PUPPs...awesome! It has a name and everything! So we got online and checked it out and wouldn't you know that I fell into almost every category of those "most common" to get it...first pregnancy, carrying multiples, and having eczema. The only category I didn't yet fall into (which kind of worried me) was that it occurs during the third trimester. As bad as it was last week I was beginning to slightly panic because this would quite the thing to deal with for the next 13 weeks. I would itch all night and get little sleep and I tried everything...oatmeal baths, calamyn lotion (my sweet husband would put on my feet for me at night before I would go to bed), cortizone, benadryl, cocoa butter...EVERYTHING!!! I finally found out around 1am Sunday morning that lathering on cocoa butter and putting socks on minimized the itching greatly. I was so exhausted Sunday morning from such a rough night but was determined to go to church and I am so glad I did (even though I had to miss most of Pastor's sermon for a hot flash). I had Tonya pray for me over this rash and can I just tell you that yesterday the itching was much better and I slept a good 9 hours last night without any itching. Then today the redness of the rash has gone way down and I didn't hardly have any itching today!!!! Praise the Lord for His healing power! I know that may seem lame to you to ask for prayer for a rash but I believe in the power of prayer and God's healing power. Sure women have been suffering from much worse during pregnancy and call me a baby for thinking that was so terrible but I knew that God could heal me. Psalm 138:8 says "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me". So I believe that He cared even about a little pesky rash. Today I have felt so much better and have had energy to conquer my day. I am believing for the same tomorrow!!!!

Never consider something too small to take to the Lord in prayer. He cares so much for us. He cares about every detail of our life, big or small.

24 Week Belly Picture

Well I have to say I am feeling a little bigger than these pictures are showing that I am. I feel like I had another growth spurt today. I have had one of those days that I have eaten constantly and can't seem to get full. I am thinking a protein shake will be in order tonight. I do know that there is still a lot of growing to do though. :) Here is this week's picture.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Nursery in the Making: Continued

We are making more and more progress on the nursery. Since Justin finished the painting we have had new carpet put down, installed a fan and a dimmer switch, and have put my glider and ottoman in the room. Last Monday we had new carpet installed in the boys' room. Bailey (our dog) has been in the boys' room for the past three years and we decided that it needed to be replaced. That is now done and it is beautiful. Last Sunday Dad and Justin installed a fan and a dimmer switch int he room. The dimmer switch is not only for the light but is also a low, medium and high adjustment for the fan. It is just perfect. Justin also finished the boys' name signs that will be going over each of their beds. He did such an awesome job putting those together. Today Justin and I went and picked up our glider and ottoman. Justin put it together and it is now set up in the room with the table we purchased right after Christmas next to it. On the table is a Scentsy warmer that Erin got me for Christmas. It makes the whole house smell wonderfully like baby powder. Mommy and Daddy aren't the only ones with a place to sit. Grammy and Poppy bought the cutest little bean bags for the boys. It says "My First Sofa" on it. They are too cute. It is all coming together. We are just waiting on the cribs and dresser now which will hopefully be in next week.

The new carpet

Dad and Justin working on putting the fan in

The beautiful fan

The boys' name signs

Justin putting the glider together

Table and warmer

Justin sitting in the glider for the first time

Me sitting in the glider for the first time

One of the boys' bean bags

Work Shower

This past Wednesday my office had a shower for us. It was requested of me today that I post pictures of the gifts we received at the shower. I was going to wait to put all the pictures together from all the different cameras but decided I would go ahead and post what I have for those who are eager to see.

It was absolutely wonderful!!!! Justin and I were absolutely overwhelmed with such a wonderful shower that was given to us. We had amazing food, fellowship and an abundance of gifts. Aunt Beth, Leslie, Emily and Luke were able to come into town for the shower which was absolutely wonderful. Mom, Amy, Trey and Taryn also were able to come join us. I was so happy that they were there to share this special moment with us.

Justin sitting in my office before the shower started

Everyone eating

Paul (I work with) making cotton candy. He said, "What's a party without cotton candy?" So nice of him to bring this in and make cotton candy for everyone.

All the wonderful food.

The cake! Not only beautiful but absolutely yummy!!!!! Half vanilla and half chocolate with a middle layer of icing! Oh how I wish I had a piece of that right now!

Picture of Luke taken by Trey. :)

Aunt Beth and Taryn


Me waiting to open the gifts!

Me and my wonderful husband! So happy that he was in town and able to be with me for the shower.

Security Blanket/Lovey from Aunt Tia

Onsies from Aunt Tia

This gift is for Mommy! It is a scarf from Tia to tie to the outside of my Diaper Bag. Justin got me a black leather Coach diaper bag for our anniversary and said when we found out what we were having I could get a scarf to tie on the outside that was blue or pink. Blue it is!!!! Tia hooked me up.

Cute little outfits Justin got for the boys

Socks from Luke

The cutest little robes from Aunt Beth and Uncle Roger

Aunt Amy made this onsie for Jacob. So cute!

Both of the onsies Aunt Amy made for the boys

Hamper that Grammy got for the nursery.

Trey was right beside me helping the whole time. What a sweet kid he is.

Basket that Grammy got to match the hamper.

Security Blankets/Lovey from Sandi

Cute little Polo outfits from Aunt Amy

Big bag full of goodies from Kevin (a guy I work with).

Noma bringing in the stroller that was purchased by several different people in the office. It was full of diapers, wipes, rattles and outfits.

Me crying over the stroller. Very overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone in our office.

Justin and I posing with the stroller

Outfits that came with the stroller

About to cut the cake

Taryn and all the gifts before we opened them

All our gifts from the shower

Our stroller!!!!

Justin and I would like to thank everyone who organized this shower for us and to everyone who blessed us with these amazing gifts. We do not take your generosity lightly and are so excited to share all these wonderful gifts with Jackson and Jacob.