Sunday, November 20, 2011

16 Week Belly Picture

Growing, growing, growing!!!! I plan to grow a lot this coming week. We are going to Mama and Papa's house for Thanksgiving and Mama's food is going to be amazing!!!! It will be the boy's first trip of many to Mama and Papa's house and we are so excited. I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is this coming week. It is hard to believe that this year is almost to the end.

We had a very exciting weekend this weekend. Saturday we went and order the boy's furniture for their room. We should have it before Christmas so Justin is going to work on having the carpet replaced in their room and painting it. I can't wait to have it done so we can share it with everyone. We also completed a registry at Target this weekend. So we are now completely registered at Target and Babies R Us. We will probably also have a few things on Amazon as well. There are a few things we want that we can't get the colors we want in the stores. Today we bought the bedding for the cribs that we found at Target. So by Christmas we can have the cribs completely set up. Then in February we will have a shower and complete everything. It is all so exciting!!!!

Here is the weekly belly picture...

Growing Growing Growing!!!! :)


  1. I'm so excited to see my little girl growing!!!! I wish we lived closer but I'm thankful for the internet

  2. Dana, I'm signing my comments as anonymous cause I don't know much about internet. I'll try to call you during week. I am havinf surgery on Wednesday. Granny
