Wednesday, November 2, 2011

12 week Ultrasound

Well I am terribly late in posting about our last ultrasound. It was last Wednesday, October 26th. I took the pictures to work on Thursday and forgot them when I left. I was off work Friday and then was out sick Monday and Tuesday. Still not for morning sickness just an infection or virus of some sort. I still have not had any morning sickness. I have had food aversions and sensitivity to smell but no out right sickness. I am so thankful for that.

We had our visit with Dr. Evitt and she said everything is absolutely wonderful. She said the babies are doing great and so am I. Mama and Papa were in town so they got to go with us to the ultrasound. That was very neat for them to be there. Mom, Amy, Taryn and Trey were there as well. It was a full house. One baby was 5cm and the other 5.5cm. One heartbeat was 161 and the other was 156. It was so amazing to see them again. They are growing and changing so much. It gets a little more real every time we go and they look more and more like little babies that we will be bringing home very soon. One was face up and the other was face down. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

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