Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's TWINS!!!!!!!

We went to the doctor for our first ultrasound on September 26th (at 8 weeks and 1 day). I was so excited and really needed to see it. I hadn't been sick at all so I was beginning to wonder if I really was pregnant (even though two pregnancy test showed very clearly that I was). I was having some symptoms but nothing major and I assumed as sick as I had been over the last 7 months on the medicines that I would be sick while pregnant too. WRONG!!! So here Justin and I were at the doctor and just so excited to see our little one. He held my hand as the nurse says, "hmmm wanna know a secret?" and I thought, "Is she really about to say what I think she is about to say?". So a few seconds go by and she says, " I know something you don't know" and at this time we couldn't see anything on the screen. I could see that she was moving around but it was all black. I said, "I need you to tell me what is going on because you are starting to worry me." She then pointed to the screen and said, "Do you see that little flicker?" And even though you really couldn't see anything we both said yes. She said, "That is a heart beat." We were all excited!!! She said, " you see that little flicker over here?" as she pointed to the other side of the screen....and I lost it. I was sobbing. Justin was just ecstatic and smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't stop crying with a flood of emotions. Then I started laughing hysterically and then crying some more. Finally I calmed down and we just looked at our two babies. I was so overjoyed but also overwhelmed with so many questions and mostly...Can I really do this? We met with Dr. Evitt who was beside herself as well with excitment. We talked a little bit about what a twin pregnancy would mean. When I left and was in the car I thanked the Lord for giving me double what I asked for and that since He gave them to me He would equip me to do what needed to be done to care for them. Since then I have had such a peace and joy in the blessing that he has given us. I feel so humbled that He chose Justin and I to be parents of twins. All the tears I cried and the prayers I prayed He answered with more than I asked for and more than I thought possible. People want to say "double trouble" and "you have no idea what is coming" and just shake their heads but I refuse to hear those things. I know there will be rough days ahead and it won't be easy and I may cry some more tears but it was all in God's plan. I just correct people by saying "double blessing". One of my favorite lines in a song...God doesn't always call the equipped but He will equip the called. Medicine or no medicine this was God's plan for mine and Justin's life and we will embrace it with joy and humility. Thank to everyone for your love and support for Justin and I. What a journey we have ahead!!!!