Sunday, June 8, 2014

Jackson and Jacob's 2nd Birthday

I cannot believe my boys are 2 years old already. We had a very fun birthday with them this year. It is so fun as they are getting older and interacting more. I just love it!!!! Their birthday was on Saturday, April 5 and when they woke up we took some pictures of them in their beds. Then we added some balloons to their beds that Justin was sweet enough to blow up for us. They had so much fun with that. Thank you Pinterest for the idea. It was probably the best thing I have done off of Pinterest. They absolutely loved it. Unfortunately a week or so after their birthday my phone crashed while completing an update and I lost all the pictures and video that I took when we did that. I was absolutely devastated!!!! I cried for several days and it makes me want to cry now. It was so much fun just watching them jump and play with the balloons in their bed.

After our balloon fun we went to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast and then I went out to meet Mother to prepare for the boys party. We decided to have their birthday party at a park this year. I was so excited about it and had such vision for it. However, it was extremely cold and windy and not everything came together like I had planned. Our theme was Noah's Ark. I struggled with that theme especially once I found out how hard it is to get any Noah's Ark themed decorations. I really wanted to do Noah's Ark though since the boys are twins and came "two by two" and it being their 2nd birthday and all. I thought it was perfect. I had the cutest little shirts made for them and was so excited about their party. It all ended up turning out ok even though we were all freezing. I wanted to have a rainbow background of streamers for pictures but it was too windy for streamers to stay up. I was really disappointed with that. We did, thankfully, have sunshine though so I was trying to stay positive. I made chicken salad sandwiches, a rainbow fruit platter, peanut butter sandwiches, we had chips and birthday cake. We had so many wonderful friends come to celebrate us. It ended up being a wonderful day.

While playing on the play ground playing Jacob fell and busted his lip. Poor baby took a really hard fall. There was blood everywhere and we couldn't even really tell where it was coming from because there was so much. After everything calmed down we realized he split the inside of his upper lip. His top lip was tied to the base of his upper teeth to the point that you couldn't see any upper gums. Thankfully we were scheduled to go to the doctor for their two year check-up on Tuesday. They looked at it and said it was fine and actually a good thing that it busted because a dentist would have eventually cut it any way.

Later that night after the party and a nap we went out for pizza with some friends that weren't able to make it to their birthday party.

We have been so blessed by two wonderful little boys for the past two years and so many wonderful friends and family members to share and celebrate them with.

Happy Birthday my 2 year old boys!!!!

Jacob was having fun falling down in his bed and watching all the balloons bounce up

All bundled up!

Uncle Dub trying to help Mimi keep the candles lit

Jacob blowing his candle out

Jackson blowing his candle out

Jackson having some cake!

Jacob sharing cake with Mimi

Opening presents

Giving Auntie thank you hugs

Giving miss Rebekka thank you hugs


Jacob...although at first glance Justin and I both questioned who it was. LOL Justin has never questioned who was who in a picture. I only have in the pictures of them in the hospital the day they were born because I didn't get to see them at first but Justin did. Kind of funny.

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