Sunday, June 8, 2014

Christmas 2013

I know I know....Christmas was forever ago and it is almost here again but here I am posting about Christmas. I won't say too much and will just get straight to the pictures. The boys really enjoyed Christmas this year. They were a little more into getting presents and playing with all their toys. I think it was a little overwhelming for them but they still enjoyed it. Santa got them cars to ride around in and they absolutely loved them. They just wanted to sit in and play with those all morning. It was so fun watching them on Christmas morning. It is so special having our children, being with family and enjoying passing on our life long family traditions and forming new ones.

Christmas Eve at Mimi and Poppy's


All the kids in their Christmas Eve jammies

Santa came!!!!





Opening stockings


Mickey Mouse plates and bowls from Mama and Papa Great

Stuffed Mickey Mouse for the boys. They were so excited!!!

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