Sunday, June 8, 2014

1st Disney Trip: May 2014

In the beginning of May we took the boys to Disney with my family (Mimi, Poppy, Auntie, Uncle Trav, Trey and Sissy aka Taryn). We had planned the trip many months, if not a year, ago. I was very hesitant to take the boys to Disney this early but definitely didn't want to take them on a cruise yet and those were the two family vacation options that were thrown out there. The boys have loved Mickey for as long as they knew and recognized who he was. As time would go on they would begin noticing him everywhere and always asking to watch him on TV. I knew they would love seeing him but didn't know how they would do being at the parks for several days. I was extremely nervous leading up to the trip but decided to just take it as it came and enjoy what time we could.

We left arrived in Florida on Friday, May 2nd and it was raining. We had planned to just take that day to get settled in at the condo and do some grocery shopping. We were very blessed to be able to stay in the time share that Amy and Travis have there on the Disney property. It is such a nice place and so perfectly located right close to the Disney properties. The guys got all the kids down for a nap and Amy and I went grocery shopping for the week. While we were gone I got a text from Justin that Jacob had climbed out of his pack n play and into Jackson's. This was the first time he had ever done that. I was kind of shocked but also surprised it had taken him so long to figure that out. LOL He is such a climber. He continued to climb out every morning when he woke up into our bed to wake us up. Once he knew he could get out once he knew he could keep it up. I was worried that as soon as we got home that he would climb out of his crib but he never did. I was extremely thankful for that!!!

Saturday we had planned on taking the boys to Animal Kingdom while Amy and Travis and their kids went to Epcot. However, it was still raining. Amy and Travis decided that they would still brave the rain with Trey at Epcot. While they were gone we went to the mall with Mimi and Poppy and Taryn. Then after shopping we went to my absolute favorite restaurant, Maggianos! My vacation was complete!!! :) It was a perfect lazy vacation day.

Sunday was a special day. I got to go pick up my Aunt Lois who lives close to Orlando and we got to spend the day with her. It had been 3 years since I had seen her so it was so exciting for her to get to meet the boys and to spend some time with her. Amy and Travis, their kids and Mimi and Poppy went to Lego Land. We just hung out around the condo with Aunt Lois. We tried taking the boys to the pool but the temperature wasn't extremely warm and because of all the rain the pool water was still pretty cold. Jacob was shivering it was so cold. We ended up not staying out too long and just went back to the condo to have lunch and play for a little while. After the boys had a nap we went back out to the pool to see if it had warmed up some. It was a little bit better so we got to play in the pool for a little while. The pool was a bit of a challenge with the boys because they were a little afraid of the water at first but then they just wanted loose in the water but we couldn't let them go because we had no flotation device for them (not for lack of trying). We tried several different flotation devices for the boys but nothing worked. They are just too little for their age and nothing fits them. I felt so bad because Jacob just wanted to be let go in the water but didn't realize he couldn't swim! Sunday evening when everyone got back to the condo we grilled steaks and they were amazing!!!! It is so nice being somewhere on vacation and still be able to cook. It was nice to go out some too but I would much prefer Justin to cook me a steak from Publix that going out and getting one from a restaurant.

Monday we drove over to Daytona Beach. Again, I was a little nervous about how the boys would do because even though we have taken them to the beach several times they haven't really enjoyed it. I was also not looking forward to not being able to get cleaned up after walking off the beach. I am not a fan of sand at all. However, we got there and everyone had such a great time. It was an absolutely perfectly, beautiful, warm, sunny day. It was warm enough to be in the water but not so miserably hot. We played on the beach for a while and then walked up to Johnny Rockets for lunch. It was so yummy!! Then we played some more into the afternoon. When everyone had their fill of the beach we left and went to a restaurant on the inter-coastal waterway that is all open air. It is a neat little seafood restaurant that Justin and I discovered last time we were there. It was a wonderful day.

Tuesday we went to Magic Kingdom. It was truly magical. We walked in and as soon as we turned to walk down Main Street the tears started flowing from my eyes. I was just overwhelmed with the emotional of Justin and I being at Disney with our babies. Everywhere they turned they saw faces of Mickey Mouse and you would hear them yell "Toodles" (that is what they call Mickey). It was just so priceless. We rode as many of the rides as we could and they both loved them! I didn't realize there would be so many things that they would be able to ride. They would just sit there in absolute awe. It was so precious. We got to meet Mickey and the boys were so stinkin' excited as we stood in line when they first saw him. They just almost couldn't handle their excitement. Jacob hugged Mickey but Jackson just wanted to be held. He was still a little shy getting close to him even though he was beside himself with excitement when he first saw him. We stayed for the late night parade and it was the best thing we ever did. The boys LOVED it!!!!

Wednesday we decided to have a rest day at the pool since we all had such a big day at Magic Kingdom. We just hung out and played at the pool. It was a beautiful day. That evening we went to Downtown Disney and shopped and had dessert.

Thursday we went back to Magic Kingdom. We woke up Thursday morning and asked the boys if they wanted to go back to Disney and see Mickey. Jacob, with all the enthusiasm he has within him, yells "I GIVE MICKEY HUUUUUGGGG!!!!!" We knew right then, even though we hadn't planned on it, that we had to go see Mickey again. So we did and they loved it all over. They also got to see Goofy, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck. They were so excited. Jacob again was willing to hug almost all of them but Jackson was still a little shy until we came to Minnie. For some reason both of the boys were completely ecstatic about seeing Minnie. Jackson even gave Minnie a kiss on the nose. Now literally almost every day they talk about giving Mickey a hug and kissing Minnie on the nose. It is the sweetest thing ever!!!!!

Friday morning we got up and packed and headed home.

We had such an amazing time of making memories we will never forget. I know the boys were a little young and won't remember it but I knew they enjoyed it so much while we were there and we do have pictures to always look at.

Meeting Mickey for the first time



Jacob and Trey playing


Getting autographs from Donald the Duck

Jackson giving Minnie a high five

And then straight in for the kiss

Two sleepy boys

Waiting to see Mickey again

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