Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Swim Lessons: Week 1 Day 1

The boys started swim lessons yesterday. It's not just any swim lessons but also lessons on how to survive if they were to fall in water. A year or so ago I saw a friend of mine post on Facebook about putting her child in these special swim lessons. When I went to watch some videos on YouTube I flipped out because they literally were just flipping kids into the water to teach them how to swim, turn over to rest and call for help, and then swim some more. After watching I decided I wanted to put the boys through those lessons. Unfortunately, the closest person certified to teach those specific lessons was two hours away. That wouldn't be a big deal if it were one lesson a week but these lessons are 10 minute sessions, five days a week for five weeks. My friend, Camilla, and I were talking about it and thought it would be something awesome for her to do. I knew she would be great at it. She went through her necessary training and started the boys lessons this week. I am so excited that she is doing this!!!! We thought about just putting the boys in regular swim lessons because we weren't sure when Camilla would be starting her lessons and didn't know if it was really necessary. A lot of people go for the Infant Survival lessons if they have a pool at their home. We don't. Then while we were on vacation we realized there wasn't a flotation device that would work for the boys. We tried three different floatation devices for them. They are a little small for their age so everything age appropriate was too big. The baby floats that you sit in were completely unacceptable to my big boys who just wanted in the water. LOL On our way home from vacation I made arrangements with Camilla for the boys to start lessons with her. It is a safety issue for them. I want them to be able to go to the pool and have fun. There no reason they should have to miss out just because they are small. We began lessons on June 9th.

Their first day was just about them getting used to the water and Camilla. She worked on them closing their mouth. She would count, "one , two, three" and say, "mmmmm" with her mouth closed and tried to get the boys to do it as well. She let them float on their belly while hanging on to her shoulders to try and get them to kick their legs. She also put them both under the water a little bit to get them used to having water on their face and going under. Jackson pretty much cried the entire time and even after we got him out of the water. Jacob was completely calm through his whole lesson. I figured it would be this way. Jackson has always been a little on the timid side and Jacob is completely fearless. I am so excited to see how they progress.

Daddy got to come to the first lesson. Here they were waiting for their lesson for the first time.

Jackson and Camilla

Jackson already making it very clear that he was NOT happy about being there

Jacob getting started

Sunday, June 8, 2014

2 Year Pictures

Shortly after the boys' 2nd birthday we had pictures taken as a family. Our friend Tiffany Lubienski of Shutter Sprite Photography has once again done an absolutely amazing job. We didn't get everything I wanted because the boys were not cooperating in the least with pictures. I wanted some fun in-studio pictures in their birthday shirts I had made with some balloons but they were having none of it. So we ended up outside taking pictures. They still didn't do too good but thankfully Tiffany is amazing at what she does and still managed to get some amazing shots of the boys. She ended up taking some of Justin and I alone since the boys didn't want to take pictures.