Monday, July 15, 2013

January 2013

I am going to try and finally get caught up with everything that has happened the last six months. It is going to be hard but I really want to document it all here with all the pictures I have taken to share with everyone. Obviously a lot has happened in the last 6 months so it will be crazy going back and looking at all these pictures. I never get on the computer anymore since I got an iPad for Christmas and therefore have not been diligent with updating the blog and I do hate that I have let it go. I have kind of been busy with two little baby boys as well...but enough excuses. :)

Here are some pictures and information about the boys from the rest of January (I updated some in January)

The boys sleeping pattern usually consisted of waking up around 7:30 or 8 am, having a morning nap around 11 for 1 1/2 - 2 hours, an afternoon nap around 4 for 2 hours, going to bed around 8:30 or 9 pm and sleeping all night.

Eating pattern was having oatmeal with fruit (usually banana but sometimes peaches or pears) for breakfast when they first woke up, 4-6 oz (Jackson always took the full amount but Jacob didn't always) of formula before their morning nap, lunch after nap time consisting of pureed vegetables, 4-6 oz of formula before their afternoon nap, dinner after their nap of pureed vegetables or fruit and a 6-7 oz bottle of formula before bed. They would have some apple juice and water in a sippy cup if eating vegetables or just water if eating fruit. They had strawberry yogurt for the first time on the 16th. Jacob loved it. It took Jackson some getting used to. He gagged on it but kept eating it.

The boys turned 9 months old on January 5th and on January 12th the wore their first 9 month outfit.

Was saying "ma-ma", "da-da" and "ba-ba". He was still sucking his first two fingers on his left hand. He was rolling all over the place to get where he wanted to go. Jackson was also getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth like he was ready to take off crawling. He also started this really cute eye squinting. Shortly after the eye squinting started we discovered that he did not like to be cried at. All we would do is say "whah" like we were crying and he would squint his eyes, pucker up and let out a huge cry. It was so funny but sad at the same time. Jackson started sitting along on January 9th and once he learned how to do that he loved to sit and play with all his toys. I would sit Jackson and Jacob facing one another and they would sit and laugh and play. Jacob would squeal and Jackson would laugh at him. He loved his blocks and truck and any toy that he could chew on. They got a walker for Christmas and for a while he couldn't get it to move and by the end of the month he had learned to push it backwards. 

In January Jacob was doing his normal squealing and a lot of moving. I just looked back through his calendar and the first time I noted his squealing was in September. He has been getting louder and higher pitched ever since. He was rolling, kicking, and moving his little booty when he would get excited. Jacob's favorite things in January were sitting up and playing with his toys with Jackson and MUSIC!!!!! Jacob loves music. Anytime music comes on he stops what he is doing and looks toward it. I love it!!! His dislikes were being held and vegetables. He liked sweet potatoes and pumpkin but anything else was pretty much not happening. 
Jacob liked his blocks and trucks, playing peek-a-boo, rolling around and he learned how to move the walker backwards. Jacob also started getting up on all fours like he was going to take off crawling. 

I loved it that they started sitting up by themselves this month. It was so cute that they would just sit in front of one another and play for a long time. It was kind of nice to just set them there and they not move. :) That didn't last long though. 

Here are some pictures.
Jackson getting a breathing treatment when they had RSV

Jackson in the walker

Jackson and Jacob's first ornament from their Mommy and Daddy :)

Our family ornament for 2013. Justin and I have gotten a  yearly ornament since we got married.

Jacob having fun playing

Jackson rolling

Bumbo time





Jackson playing in the jungle and Jacob made his way over to the fireplace

Just playing


Jacob got into the dvds

Being so good at praise team practice

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