Monday, July 15, 2013

February 2013

In February the boys  turned 10 months old. They were continuing to sleep through the night, taking a morning nap of 1-1 1/2 hours at around 11 am, an afternoon nap of 1-2 hours around 4 pm and sleeping from 8:30 at night until 7:30 or 8 in the morning. They started eating a lot more table and finger foods this month. They would have breakfast when they first woke up of oatmeal and fruit, a 5oz bottle of formula before morning nap, lunch after nap, 5 oz bottle before afternoon nap, dinner after nap and a 7 oz bottle before bed. They started taking some of their formula from sippy cups instead of bottles. I wanted to try and start breaking them into the idea before they turned one. They did pretty well. Jackson took all of his from the sippy cup and Jacob took about half of it. New foods they had this month included: tortilla, America cheese, string cheese, fresh pear in chunks, beans, meatball, Peeps, grilled cheese (LOVED), and blueberries. They did pretty well with all the food. It was crazy to be giving them table food. I realized just how big they were getting and how fast time was passing.

The boys got to celebrate their first Valentine's Day with us in February. We made daddy homemade poptarts with heart-shaped strawberries for breakfast, homemade heart-shaped cheese ravioli with garlic cream sauce and Parmesan chicken for dinner and a large heart-shaped red velvet cake for dessert. We had fun cooking for Daddy all day.

On the 17th, the boys went to the nursery at church for the first time. They did very well. We were in our Sunday night class. It was getting close to bed time and the boys were tired but do not like to be rocked so the nursery volunteers came and got us because they were getting fussy. They are used to being able to rock babies but the boys are used to just laying down in bed. After that one time I haven't been called back to the nursery since. They have just learned how the boys act and the boys have gotten used to being there. They are such good boys.

Justin and I went away for a weekend to a marriage retreat in February. It was hard to leave the boys but we did have a good time. They stayed with Mimi and Poppy.

Jacob had two more teeth come in in February. His top left tooth was first discovered on the 8th and his top middle right tooth on the 21st. Jacob started crawling in February. It was a very funny crawl...what we liked to call the army man. It was more like scooting but he was moving his arms and legs in the crawling motion but just all laying and dragging on the ground. It is hard to explain but don't think he had trouble getting around. He was so FAST!!!! His squealing continued getting louder and higher-pitched. He also started clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth. So cute. Anytime I would do it he would do it. He loved to be on the floor crawling and cared nothing about being held. He also loved to be upside down...thanks to Aunt Tia. :) He went through a small stage where he was not happy if I walked out of his sight but it was short lived. Jacob discovered that cars roll easier when they are on a hard surface. He loved rolling his cars on the bottom of my living room table. He was starting to imitate more sounds this month as well. By the end of the month he was crawling like a pro, eating more and more table food very well, feeding himself perfectly, doing well with a sippy cup and getting very close to pulling up on his own.

Jackson started squealing some this month but was nowhere near as loud or high as Jacob. :) He was also clicking his tongue and saying "bababababa". Jackson loved to sleep, eat and play in February. He did not like to be woke up or to get off schedule. That would make for a very grumpy little baby. He also was not so fond of Jacob's upsets him and he cries when Jacob squeals really loud. Jackson loved to just sit and play with Jacob. He would just sit and laugh at Jacob when Jacob would make noises. By the end of the month Jackson was getting better about being so sensitive to being mocked and to Jacob's squealing. I guess he is getting used to it. :) Poor Jackson. He was getting close to crawling by getting up on all fours and rocking.

Here are some pictures....

The boys having their first cracker

This is where we keep the walker but  I put him in it in the living room and he moved it back here.

Jacob all snuggled up

Jackson all snuggled up

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!

First time in highchairs in a restaurant

First time having toast

Their first Chick-fil-a

Justin and I at our retreat





Daddy cuddling with Jackson

Jacob cuddling with Mommy

The girls on our retreat

The guys on the retreat


Me and my babies

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