Wednesday, July 17, 2013

March 2013

March was a pretty exciting month for us. I was realizing just how close the boys were to turning one and had so many mixed emotions. It was a little sad because I knew my babies weren't going to be babies for too much longer, I was so happy and overjoyed with what awesome babies I have and how amazing our first year has been and I was nervous because they weren't as advanced physically as I thought they should be. As a lot of moms, I'm sure, I worried about every little thing. However, through prayed God helped me to just have peace with where they were and what they were doing. God showed up when I released all my fear, worry and anxiety to Him and the boys started advancing. I love how God just waits for us to truly release all things to Him and then He answers prayers in amazing ways. I know God has amazing things in store for my boys. So thankful!!!!! They both decided that they were ready to feed themselves their own bottles. It was so stinkin' cute! The boys got their hair cut for the first time in March. I will have a separate post for that later. We celebrated their 1st birthday twice in March (I will post separately about that later). We made a trip to St. Louis and had cake and celebrated there and we also had their birthday party at church at the end of the month. When we were in St. Louis the boys got to try Imos pizza for the first yummy!!!! Also, while we were in St. Louis, the boys learned to wave hello. It was so cute. We were all gathered in the kitchen laughing and saying "hello".

I started working with the boys a lot trying to get them to pull up. I would give them my hands and have them grab and pull to a standing position. I set out a big comforter rolled up to see if they would try to roll over it. They loved pulling up. I would set them next to each other facing me and I would hold my index fingers out for them to grab. I would let Jackson do it, sit him down and then let Jacob do it. It got to the point that when I was letting Jackson pull up, Jacob would grab my arm and pull up on my arm while Jackson was pulling up with my fingers. They were doing that very well but I still wanted them to do it on their own...

On our back from St. Louis we stopped in Nashville and while hanging out at the hotel Jacob pulled himself up on the couch. A couple days later, after we had been home, Jacob pulled up in his bed for the first time. It was bed time and I had already changed him and put him in his bed and then started changing Jackson. I turned around to check on Jacob and there he was just standing up. It was so exciting and funny to see him just standing there. LOL After that he was pulling up on everything all the time. I discovered Jacob's 5th tooth on the bottom right on the 16th of the month. He started saying "ma-ma" towards the end of the month. We went out to lunch with Tonya during the middle of the month and she gave him pickle for the first time. He wasn't too sure about it at first but he kept eating it. :)

Jackson finally got his 1st tooth on the 8th of the month. I cannot believe it took him so long to get his teeth. It just goes to show how different him and Jacob are. Jacob was getting his 5th this month and Jackson was just starting on his 1st. It was his bottom, middle, right tooth. Jackson got to try onion and pickle for the first time when we went to lunch with Tonya. He absolutely loved it but there isn't much that Jackson won't eat. Jackson started crawling on the 15th. It was the same funny army crawl that Jacob did. So cute and so excited when he started. I was starting to get a little worried about him. Jackson drank out of a straw for the first was at Chick-fil-a and was unsweet tea. Jackson said his first real word (other than "ma-ma" and "da-da") on the 31st. We were playing with their toys they got at their birthday party and I just handed him a ball and said "ball" and he repeated it...he just kept saying it. It was so cute.

Here are some pictures....







Jacob loves to crawl through here

This is the comforter roll I used to work with them on pulling up

This was sent to me one night while at praise team practice...I love it.

Holding their own bottles....big boys!

This is how we do a road trip


Visiting Grammy at work.

This is what I was talking about when working on pulling up...pulling up with Jackson and Jacob just grabbed my arm. :)

ahhhhhh...this is the life...At the hotel on our trip to St. Louis

In Paducah...he was just happy to be out of the house. :)

Jackson too

Breakfast at the hotel in Paducah.

Andrew and Jacob did not get along very well :) LOL

While in St. Louis we got a little bit of snow. We ended up having a big slumber party at Aunt Beth's. It was so much fun.

Twins and Twins

The boys' birthday cake in St. Louis

Jacob pulling up for the 1st time!!!!!

Jacob pulling up for the 1st time in his bed.

Trying on our beach clothes for next month's vacation.

Easter baskets from Mimi

Playing with Noah's Ark they got for their birthday.