Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Father's Day

Here are the pictures we got on Father's Day. It was Justin's first Father's Day. The boys got their dad a picture frame that says #1 Dad and Happy 1st Father's Day. They also got him a Tervis cup with some of their pictures on it. Daddy seemed to love his gifts. We got to spend Father's Day with my Dad and also my Papa. It was a very nice day. I am so proud of Justin and the Father he has become to our children. I could not ask for a better husband or daddy for my children. We are so blessed.

Mommy, Daddy, Jackson and Jacob

Papa-Great, Daddy, Jackson, Mommy, Jacob, Mama-Great

Memaw, Daddy, Jackson, Mommy and Jacob

The proud Daddy and his boys

Grandad Robert, Daddy, Jackson, Mommy, Jacob and Nonna

Daddy, Jackson, Mommy, Jacob, Aunt Amy, Taryn, Uncle Trav, and Trey

Having lunch at Abuelos

Aunt Tia and Jacob

Nonna and Jackson

Jacob relaxin on Grammy

Look at that Daddy and his boys

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