Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dedication: Double Blessing

Last Sunday Pastor McGinnis dedicated our sweet boys to the Lord. Justin and I have dedicated them to the Lord since they were in my tummy. God has been so good to me and Justin and has blessed us with two amazing little boys and they belong to him completely. I just cannot express the joy the Lord has given through my wonderful husband and my boys. I could ramble on and on and on just because I feel so overwhelmed with the goodness of God. It was so nice to have some of our family and friends there with us. Here are the pictures from our wonderful day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Father's Day

Here are the pictures we got on Father's Day. It was Justin's first Father's Day. The boys got their dad a picture frame that says #1 Dad and Happy 1st Father's Day. They also got him a Tervis cup with some of their pictures on it. Daddy seemed to love his gifts. We got to spend Father's Day with my Dad and also my Papa. It was a very nice day. I am so proud of Justin and the Father he has become to our children. I could not ask for a better husband or daddy for my children. We are so blessed.

Mommy, Daddy, Jackson and Jacob

Papa-Great, Daddy, Jackson, Mommy, Jacob, Mama-Great

Memaw, Daddy, Jackson, Mommy and Jacob

The proud Daddy and his boys

Grandad Robert, Daddy, Jackson, Mommy, Jacob and Nonna

Daddy, Jackson, Mommy, Jacob, Aunt Amy, Taryn, Uncle Trav, and Trey

Having lunch at Abuelos

Aunt Tia and Jacob

Nonna and Jackson

Jacob relaxin on Grammy

Look at that Daddy and his boys

12 Weeks: Just Chillin'

We didn't do a whole lot last week. The week before last when Mama and Papa great were with us got the boys spoiled. I didn't see any reason to retrain them when we would just be heading to see more family the next week. So a couple days I just had to sit and hold the boys. The boys are getting so much more alert and it is so much fun. They are smiling and cooing and just having so much fun. We did a lot of preparing for our 4th of July trip to meet more family. We were so excited all week. Not only were the boys going to get to meet more family but we were going to get to be together with Justin all week too. So I did lots of laundry and planning all the boys clothes and getting everything together to take care of them away from home for a whole week. I didn't really think about what all goes into taking two little boys on vacation. It is completely worth it though. It wasn't so bad packing but I was just worried about forgetting something. I convinced myself that even if I did forget something there wasn't anything that they would need that we wouldn't be able to just go and buy. It was a great week. I spent a lot of time just holding my precious little boys. I can't believe they are almost 3 months old. It is just so crazy to me how quickly they are growing. I am so blessed beyond any measure!!!

On a side note....I know this blog is about my boys and not about me cooking but I have to share a recipe that I made this week that we absolutely loved!!!! Justin and I are Mexican food fanatics. Several years ago Justin order carnitas in a restaurant which is just a Mexican pulled pork that was served with warm corn tortillas. It was so very good. Then I found a crock pot recipe a while back for carnitas and I have been wanting to make it for a long time. The other day I found a pork butt roast on sale so I was finally going to get to make it. I took the roast and rubbed it with cumin and a little salt, put it in the crock pot with 1 cup of beef broth, 1/2 cup fresh squeezed orange juice, 1/4 fresh squeezed lime juice and 7 whole garlic cloves. I let it cook for about 8 hours and then shredded the meat into the broth. The roast was not completed submerged in the liquid so every hour or so I basted some of the juices over the roast so it would stay moist throughout. I served it with warm corn tortillas, sour cream, cheese dip, guacamole and rice. It was so good if I do say so myself and Justin loved it too.

Well now for what you really come to my blog for...PICTURES!!!!


Jacob loves tummy time AKA nap time

My sweet little boys enjoying a nap





Nap time in the jungle



My super heroes


The super heroes again