Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jackson and Jacob Are 4!!!

Well I can hardly believe that my baby boys are...well not really babies anymore. They are 4 years old! How did this happen? Time has gone by so fast. We have almost completed our first full year of preschool at Schaffer Academy. They are doing do good. We have had a pretty big and crazy year. It's amazing what all can happen in a year but God is so faithful and I am so blessed by my amazing husband and my sweet boys. Is every day easy? No. But every day is a new day to be with one another and for that I am thankful. We got together with Hannah with Joy Wildflower Photography for our annual family pictures and I wanted to share them.  Last year I asked the boys a series of questions and this year I asked them the same to see how their answers changed from last year. Here are the questions and answers.

Jackson: Mr. Jackson
Jacob: Cub/Cubby

How old are you?
Jackson: 4
Jacob: 4

What is your favorite color?
Jackson: Black
Jacob: All of them

What is your favorite animal?
Jackson: Roo
Jacob: Curious George

What is your favorite book?
Jackson: none
Jacob: The Little Engine that Could

What is your favorite TV show?
Jackson: Paw Patrol
Jacob: Paw Patrol

What is your favorite movie?
Jackson: Madagascar
Jacob: Monsters Inc

What is your favorite food?
Jackson: Meat pizza
Jacob: Cheese pizza

What is your favorite drink?
Jackson: orange juice
Jacob: milk, apple juice, orange juice

What is your favorite breakfast food?
Jackson: Flake cereal (Frosted Flakes)
Jacob: Fruit Loops

What is your favorite snack?
Jackson: fruit snacks and goldfish
Jacob: goldfish

What is your favorite outfit?
Jackson: Jacket
Jacob: Paw Patrol t-shirt

What is your favorite game?
Jackson: basketball
Jacob: baseball

What is your favorite toy?
Jackson: motorcycles
Jacob: hotwheels

Who is your best friend?
Jackson: Eli
Jacob: Caden

What is your favorite thing to do?
Jackson: play games
Jacob: play games

What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Jackson: Ride the Ferrari and the 4-wheeler
Jacob: play baseball

What is your favorite holiday?
Jackson: Christmas
Jacob: Christmas

What do you like to take with you to bed?
Jackson: Blankie
Jacob: Stuffed animals

Where is your favorite place to go?
Jackson: Mr. Gatti's and the beach
Jacob: Cruise

What is your favorite restaurant?
Jackson: Mr. Gatti's
Jacob: The Donkey Place (El Burro Flojo)

Where do you want to go on vacation?
Jackson: Disney
Jacob: Disney

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Jackson: Fireman
Jacob: Dentist and baseball player

What did you do on your birthday?
Jackson: opened presents
Jacob: got presents