Thursday, December 10, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

I know it has been so long since I have updated the blog. We might be a little busy around here with two three year old boys. We are homeschooling now and that has changed our daily schedule all around. I absolutely love homeschooling the boys. It is challenging and they have their ups and downs. However, the reward of watching them learning far outweighs the challenges. When we are out and they point out a letter or number we have learned my heart almost skips a beat. Jacob loves to color and does really great at staying in the lines. Jackson loves when he gets to write letters and hates coloring. It is crazy to me how different they are. It has been interesting learning myself how to teach them and make sure they do all their work when they don't enjoy every part of it.

I may be a little biased but Jackson and Jacob are so amazing. They both have such different personalities and it shows more and more each day. Jackson is still more on the quiet side than Jacob but he is starting to come out of his shell more and more. Jacob is still my rambunctious, talkative, ham of a child. They are both so amazing in their own ways.

The boys are in gymnastics now. They go every Monday and absolutely love it. We were told by several people that gymnastics would be something that would benefit them down the road when they start playing sports. We wanted to get them started with an extracurricular activity and they were too young for any sports yet.

We are looking forward to the next couple of weeks with family and friends as we celebrate the Christmas season. The boys are extremely excited. We always talk about the true meaning of Christmas and they know all about baby Jesus and his birthday. We also celebrate Santa in our house. They have been to see Santa a few times and have asked for scooters this year. Santa was always a huge thing in our family growing up and I love passing down the traditions to my children that I hold so dear from my grandparents and parents.

A few weeks ago a friend of mine, Jessica Travis, took our family pictures. She did an incredible job and I wanted to share them here on the blog. I can't believe our boys are getting so big and will be 4 in less than 4 months. I am so thankful for this time that we captured as a family.

We are wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and many blessings in the coming year!!!!!