Wednesday, May 20, 2015

20 Questions

Several weeks ago I saw a pin on Pinterest about asking your children a list of questions each year around their birthday to see how they answer and how their answer change over the years. I thought it was a neat idea and decided to try it with the boys. They didn't really understand all of the questions but I got the best answers out of them that I could. They actually thought it was pretty cool being asked questions. I tried to rotate who I asked the question first so that they didn't just repeat one another. I wanted them to try and come up with their own answers. So here is what I asked them and their answers.

-Jackson: Mr. Jackson
-Jacob: Cub

How old are you?
-Jackson: 4 maybe 6
-Jacob: I'm 6

What is your favorite color?
-Jackson: Black
-Jacob: Blue

What is your favorite animal?
-Jackson: Bunny Rabbit
-Jacob: Horsey

What is your favorite book?
-They don't really have a favorite book right now because we read a different book every day. I keep them in a rotation and we have a lot of them so they don't see the same book that often.

What is your favorite TV show?
-Jackson: Mickey Mouse
-Jacob: Mickey Mouse

What is your favorite movie?
-Jackson: Despicable Me 2
-Jacob: Frozen

What is your favorite food?
-Jackson: Chili
-Jacob: Shrimp

What is your favorite drink?
-Jackson: Juice
-Jacob: Juice

What is your favorite breakfast food?
-Jackson: Shake
-Jacob: Cinnamon toast

What is your favorite snack?
-Jackson: fruit snacks
-Jacob: Thomas fruit snacks

What is your favorite outfit?
-Jackson: Jersey
-Jacob: Jersey

What is your favorite game?
-Jackson: Hide n Seek
-Jacob: Basketball

What is your favorite toy?
-Jackson: Firetruck
-Jacob: Firetruck

Who is your favorite friend?
-Jackson: Eli
-Jacob: Tristan

What is your favorite thing to do?
-Jackson: Watch Mickey Mouse
-Jacob: Play with my friends

What is your favorite thing to do outside?
-Jackson: Ride 4-wheeler
-Jacob: Blow bubbles

What is your favorite holiday?
-Jackson: Christmas
-Jacob: Christmas

What do you like to take with you to bed?
-Jackson: Roo (His kangaroo stuffed animal from the Curious George book)
-Jacob: Blankie

Where is your favorite place to go?
-Jackson: Nashville
-Jacob: Hotel

What is your favorite restaurant?
-Jackson: Chick-fil-a
-Jacob: Chick-fil-a

Where do you want to go on vacation?
-Jackson: The yellow slide (At the Wilderness in the Smokies)
-Jacob: The big slide (Also at the Wilderness)

What do you want to be when you grow up?
-Jackson: 5
-Jacob: Fireman

What did you do on your birthday?
-Jackson: Ate cake
-Jacob: Blow my candles out