Tuesday, April 21, 2015

3 Year Pictures

We have tried to be diligent about taking pictures of the boys and as a family. We usually have pictures taken around the boys' birthday and in the fall. Last year we only had professional pictures taken once because the boys' 2nd birthday pictures did not go well at all. We were not looking forward to having pictures taken again but knew we wanted to document this time in their life and as a family. So we decided to try again and hoped everyone was in a good mood...including Justin. Poor Justin hated the pictures just as much as the boys did. It is comical now but wasn't so much at the time. This time we decided to work with Hannah Brown with Joy Wildflower Photography. We had such an awesome experience with her. We went early on a Saturday morning. It was the perfect morning for pictures. The sun was shining beautifully and it was the perfect temperature. I am so happy with how the pictures turned out.

Happy 3rd Birthday Jackson and Jacob'

It is so hard to believe that my boys are 3 years old already. I cannot believe how quickly time is passing me by. They are two amazing little boys. I never realized how different twins could be before I had them. I am continuing to learn daily just how different they are. They are both talking in full sentences like adults. LOL Some of the things they say just crack me up. They are working on learning all of their colors, numbers and letters. We sit down a couple days a week and do "school work" as they like to call it. They get so excited when I say its time for school work. It is crazy to see how different they are when it comes to learning. That was a hard discovery and realization for me. I realized the first day we sat down to do some structured activities just how different their learning styles were going to be. First, we played a game where they matched colored straws to a colored piece of paper. Then, I had some books for them work in looking at colors. Jacob absolutely loved the game and matched all of his colors really well. Jackson on the other hand was completely uninterested in the game. When we got to the workbook Jackson loved it and Jacob didn't want anything to do with it. I realized then I was going to have a lot to learn when it came to homeschooling. LOL They are just night and day in almost every way. Jacob is extremely active and talkative and Jackson is more laid back. We have noticed a couple times when Jacob has been asleep and Jackson is awake how much more he will talk. Poor Jackson can't hardly get a word in when Jacob is awake. We are trying to make sure Jackson has more opportunities to speak up. Just to continue with the differences, at their 3 year check up Jackson was 2 pounds heavier and 2.2 inches taller than Jacob. It is just so funny to see how different they are.

They usually play very well together. They have their moments, like I think any other siblings would, of fighting. Their favorite toys are their Tonka firetrucks, their Thomas train and track, and Hot Wheels cars. They absolutely love cars and firetrucks. They are quick to point out any firetrucks they see. We live close to a fire station and they know which roads to take to get us there and request to go by there daily. They get so excited when they see one out. They also love "cool cars" and always point out Mustangs and Camaro's that we see on the road and any car that is loud enough to hear. They are definitely mine and Justin's children...we all love cars. They also know most of our friend's vehicles and when they see one like them on the road they will ask if it is our friend.

They currently have an infatuation with me having a baby in my belly. They both will ask all the time, "Mommy, you have baby in your belly?" Jackson got extremely upset the other day when I told him that I did not. I ask them all the time if they want a baby brother or a baby sister one day. They always say sister. Actually the other day Jackson informed me that he wanted two sisters! I am a little afraid they might be prophets.

I am still amazed when I look at them that they are mine and that there are two of them. How awesome it has been to be a mom of twins. They amaze me daily with the things they learn and how they treat each other and everyone around them. Yes they are three and have their moments but mostly they are just so incredibly loving and sweet.

We had a Mickey Mouse party for their birthday. They absolutely love Mickey Mouse. They have loved Mickey Mouse since they were old enough to know who he was. I knew we would have to have a Mickey Mouse birthday. They were so excited for the months leading up to their birthday. They kept saying, "Mickey is bringing my birthday." Jacob was excited about Mickey being at the party but Jackson was just concerned about having cake. Then once again their differences came through this year on the choice of cake. We got to Target one day to look at cakes. They had two options for Mickey Mouse cakes. One had a car and one had an airplane. Jackson wanted the car and Jacob wanted the airplane. Instead of disappointing one of them I decided I would get both. I was just going to get two smaller ones instead of one large one. I was still shopping cakes so when I went back to order their cakes they no longer had the airplane. So I asked Jacob if he wanted me to get a big Mickey car cake or if he wanted cupcakes. He decided he wanted cupcakes. So that's what he got and Jackson got the car cake. It's actually kind of nice that they can tell me what they want now. The problem will be when they want two different themed parties. Oh my I can't even think about that right now! On to the pictures.... We were so excited to spend the day with our friends and family celebrating the boys. It was an awesome day!

Making cookies for the party favors

It was a cookie factory at our house the night before the party

Jacob's cupcakes.

Jackson's cake

This was for a bowling game

Mr. Jackson was sooooo excited about his cake!

Justin found these bikes for them. It was their big surprise for their birthday. They don't have pedals because the purpose is for them to learn to balance first and then after they have learned that the pedaling is supposed to be a natural thing to do. Jackson was gliding on it the next day.